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Friday, December 31, 2004

New Year's Eve

Well, it's the end of the year and I'm just feeling sad and lonely. I feel invisible, like I'm here but it doesn't really matter.

We have this doodad to go to tonight, I 'm not into it at all.. just wish I could stay at home but, of course, I'm going to shlep myself there just so nobody is disappointed.

Great way to start the New Year.. huh.... ?

Man, I could really use a hug!

Eurydice's song

Since my username is Eurydice, I thought I'd share this poem with you.

Eurydice’s Song

And so you’ve come for me,
dressed up, suited out, high-stepping, flute and lyre hanging from your belt—you think you’re pretty hot.

Were you desperate for me? Or merely bored? Winter’s snows kept you warmer than my breasts? feet caressed your smooth skin, sleet kissed those lips puffed from fluting?

Or did other arms wrap your loneliness in a forgetfulness
more poignant than despair?

Was it love that brought you here? The anguish of absence? Or curiosity
and your hurry burly pride that dares everything? This was the tune
no one had played, this journey to the dark.

was your excuse, not your beloved.

were afraid I had forgotten you?
Oh, no, my smooth-cheeked boy.

You made
the trees waltz. Birds slowed their swift flights
to glide atop your rhythms. I could hold
a stone to my ear and the stone sang.

—William Borden, from “Eurydice’s Song”

Tuesday, December 28, 2004


I hope everyone had a great Christmas and lots of fun with friends and family.

Here, the holidays have been pretty busy, but not crazy. On the 22nd, I had the supper with the people I sing with. Everything was delicious. Many people got up and sang a song, and we also sang alot of "chansons à répondre". That's where one person sings a song and then everyone replies in song. Many old French songs are this type. After the supper, many of us ended up at the Entr'acte. You may remember seeing it in a previous post. It is a pub; very rustic inside and there is no dance floor.. it is really a place to go and talk.

On the 23rd, I finally finished the calligraphy for the wedding album. Yay! There are just so many flowers and hearts and vines that a person can take.

On the 24th, I had my family over for a buffet supper. Food is piled miles high, the children open their gifts and we all just kick back and relax.

We had an unexpected visit from Santa. Donald is our friend and neighbor. He has played Santa for his kids since the last 4 years. He gets dressed up.. makes a bit of noise so his kids can actually see him putting presents under the tree.. and then he leaves and comes to our house. His kids watched him through their upstairs window. Nico is going to be 8 and there are alot of kids at school already telling him Santa doesn't exist.. and this made the magic of Xmas real for him. To me, Santa is the Xmas spirit... and taking the time to dress up and make it magical for your kids is what the Xmas spirit is all about.

When everyone leaves at something like 3 in the morning, we start to prepare for the 25th. It is pretty crazy. Make cake and then while that is baking, start making the turkey stuffing.. it is a weird circle... cook, eat, clean, sleep, cook, eat, clean, sleep.

I was really hankering to watch "It's a Wonderful Life" on tv at 8:00 but Fanny and Steven were not going to be arriving at our house before 7:00... so supper was later than normal and when 8:00 rolled around, people were still stuffing themselves with turkey and tourtière... suffice to say, I didn't get to watch it this year.

On the 26th, we had supper with our friends and neighbors.. Donald and Lyne.. Méghan and Nicolas were so excited to tell me about how they saw Santa putting presents under our tree and how they saw him enter our house. Their eyes were all lit up and they were still all wrapped up in the magic of the moment. It was wonderful to see.

Yesterday we had supper with Carmen and Michel. They also have 2 children. I told Kevin how Santa had come to our house.. So I asked him if Santa had left him gifts.. and he said, no.. his parents did, but Santa didn't because of course... he didn't believe in Santa anymore. There are no cookies and milk for Santa.. no carrots for the reindeer.. no spirit and no magic. Ah.. too bad! Maybe I'm just being too sentimental.

Today it is noon and I'm still not dressed, just running around in a robe taking it easy. I'm thinking supper will either be leftovers or pizza.. I'm not cooking today, even if you beg me!

Wednesday, December 22, 2004

only a few days left

With only a few days left, I have been running around trying to get several things done. Today I made 4 tourtières, (French-Canadian meat pies.. very traditional) and another batch of fudge as Simon and Sylvain gobbled up everything that was already made.

I also made some rolled Chicken tortillas. These are not at all traditional as you may have guessed, but everyone begs for them so I make a ton.

Besides all that I have still been working on that album. I'm starting to go cross-eyed.. but I think I 'll be able to finish it in time.

Tonight I have an supper with the group of people that I sing with. I'm hoping it will be alot of fun. I 'll let you know how it goes.

I thought I'd leave you with pictures of our house.. decorated with both lights and lots of snow.

and here's our reindeer "Frank"; as you can see, he's a bit snowed in.

Sunday, December 19, 2004

xmas tree

Today, it was blistering cold outside. I worked on the calligraphy for the wedding album I have been working on since forever; I'm hoping to finish it for her before Christmas.

I really don't have much more to relate so I though I would share with you my Xmas tree!

home sweet home.

Sylvain had his Xmas party yesterday

The party was out of town, so we travelled there during a snowstorm.

The employees played curling before having a traditional turkey dinner. The curling club was actually very nice and all decked out for the holidays.. a 10Ft tree with lights and ornaments too, it was very pretty.

One of the kids fell on the ice and said he couldn't move. He was saying he thought he broke his leg too. An called an ambulance. They took every precaution in case he had hurt his back. A couple hours later he returned from the hospital with the boss. He was perfectly alright. I'm glad he wasn't hurt, but personally I think I would have been embarrassed to come back after making a huge fuss.. and taking an ambulance ride and not even have to put an ice pack on my injuries. Oh.. well... it was the highlight of the evening.

We slept at a hotel, or rather we tried to sleep. The bed was not very comfortable and I got only 1 wink out of the 40 I needed.

Ah... Home Sweet Home!

Tuesday, December 14, 2004

done -- finally!

I finally finished my Valentine's Day tickets. When I start the conception of these things, I'm totally engrossed into coming up with something different and special.. and don't think at all about how bored I will be having to do hundreds of them.

What starts off as fun turns into a production line. How do people do it? ... work on production lines... yes, I know it's a job and all that.. but I think I would go nuts. I imagine they turn off what they are doing and think about all different things.. but heck.. how much thinking can you do in one day anyways?

this is the ticket opened.. I already showed you my design sample a while back.. but now you won't have to look for it.

and here is the whole troup..jeez.. they almost look like an army.. :-P each packet fills one table of 10-12 people

Now.. finally .. I can get into Christmas!! Yay!

Sunday, December 12, 2004

Gingerbread, I made gingerbread cookies. There is the wonderful smell of ginger, cinnamon and cloves hanging in the air, that truly makes the house smell like Christmas, especially for me.

When I was young, every Christmas, my mom would make them and we would decorate them with her. It was a tradition at our house and one that I do every year. Maybe it helps me feel I'm with her.. I miss her alot, especially at this time of year.

My mom and dad came to Canada in the '50's. My dad is Polish and drove trucks for the Americans in Germany during the war. After the war was over, he worked in a dairy, making cheese. My mom is German. They were very different and came from completely different backgrounds.

My dad came from a very poor family, what you would call dirt poor, I guess, since the farm he grew up on didn't have real floors, just dirt. In the wintertime, they would spread hay on the ground and even let the animals in the house if it was too cold.

My mother, on the other hand, came from a very fortunate family. Her grandfather was a mathematician and a pianist and her father had several businesses including a mill and a general store. My grandfather was the first man in his town to own a car.

They met after the war, got married and decided to move to Canada.

People around the world have different traditions.. Most Americans seem to celebrate Christmas by waking up Christmas day morning and seeing what Santa had left them. Quebecers, usually go to midnight mass and celebrate when they get home until the early morning hours.

Christmas at our house was always on Christmas Eve, just as it was for my mom when she was a child. We would go to sleep in the late afternoon so Santa could come.. and come, he always did.

We would each have a special plate with our name on it.. with special candies, mandarins, gingerbread cookies ... and my favorite treat, Marzipan. Ah.. Marzipan .. wonderful, delicious Marzipan.. covered with dark chocolate. It was shaped as a loaf or a half cigar if you want and was very delicious. She would send for it especially for Christmas. When I'm lucky, I sometimes find some in Montreal and bring it home for Christmas. Too often, there is none.

When we were young, my dad would drag us off to church. My mother would follow along but this was the only time of the year that she went to church. My mother was raised a Lutheran and when she married my dad, she had to change religion or they (the Catholic church) wouldn't allow the marriage. I think that may have turned her off religion. Did it really matter what church you went to.. did it really make you a better person? She didn't think so, and neither do I.

The other tradition we had was the breaking of the host. My dad would get a huge rectangular host from his country and he would get it blessed by the priest. The host was broken into the same number of pieces as the members of your family. You then go around and give a piece of your host to another member and tell he or she how much you love them and what you wish for them in the New Year. I guess the giving of the host was a sort of communion thing.. but we, as children, didn't think of it that way. Today, we still do this although we don't get it blessed by a priest and there is no longer any religious connotation connected to it.. but trading your pieces and sharing with your family, your siblings, your children ... looking them in the eye and telling them that you love them and are proud of them is very touching.

Then everyone opens their gifts. There are few things as gratifying as the smile on a child's face getting something he or she really wished for. Their eyes light up and everything seems good in the world for that moment.

Saturday, December 11, 2004

Christmas Decorations

This weekend both of my brothers were supposed to come down. One came down yesterday but the other missed his plane and since he was only coming for a 24 hour visit, he will come down next weekend.

I spent a good portion of the day working on my St. Valentine's day tickets and the calligraphy for the album.

Tonight I went out and took a few pictures of the Christmas decorations in my neighborhood.

This one is very simple yet elegant.

the next one is at the corner of our street. I love that the lights go all the way around the house even the garage. Very pretty!

This is a local bar. It is not very far from where I live. It is not a very noisy place, just a warm and friendly spot where you can have a libation with a friend.

Here is a small log house. We have a little mining village in our town, that is considered historical. All the houses are log houses and very tiny and quaint. Here is one of them.

and these 3 snowmen were just so cute.. I couldn't help myself but show you.

Friday, December 10, 2004

Christmas Cards

I'm about to start writing my Christmas cards. I was just thinking about the kind and wonderful people I have met online (both at Worth and Artalyst). Most of you come here and read about my daily life.. some have left me encouraging words..others hugs when I needed them. I would love to send you, my friends, a Christmas card.

If you would like to receive one from me Email me here! with your address and I'll send you one.. with plenty of good wishes for the New Year.. we could all use some good wishes couldn't we?

You get the added bonus of getting a French Xmas card.. how special is that?

Wednesday, December 08, 2004

Really good day

For the very first time ever, I have dyed my hair. Up until today, it was a very dark brown.. almost black. It is now medium brown with streaks of caramel-like color. I'm still not used to it. When I look in the mirror, it is as if I'm looking at someone else. But I like it, it's very soft looking and pretty. At rehearsals tonight, everyone was complimenting me on it and said it was gorgeous and how well it suited me; always feels good to hear that! :)

It had been 2 weeks since I had been to rehearsals because of my dad's hospitalization.
Tonight was so much fun. Isabelle and I both had missed last week's practice where everyone works in ateliers.. so tonight we were both stuck pretty much site-reading. It was alot of fun. At first we made a few errors and were singing like tiny mice so no one would notice.. but by the end of the evening we were belting it out just like everyone else.

We also split up pour group into two different time periods, the medieval peasants and the citizens of the future, because there will be interaction between the both. I found out that I will be a medieval peasant. Alot of the people that will play peasants with me are people I truly enjoy and have lots of fun with. Yay!

Tonight was particularily energizing because in the story there is a dispute between the medieval peasants and the citizens of the future about whether a certain capsule is either a poison or a cure. There is alot of repeating going on.. and James was doing the roles of the soloists ... but lots of people kept screwing up and singing when it was the soloist's turn. It was very funny.. we laughed alot and had a great time.

I had a great day!

Tuesday, December 07, 2004

he's outta there!

Today, I wasn't going to see my dad, I was just going to call him, because I really needed a break but then he called and asked me to pick up a newspaper for him so finally relented and I did go to the hospital.

I promised myself.. that today, I wouldn't let him get me down and if he started that I would leave.

When I got there, I met up with one of the therapists and we all (my dad, myself and she) went into a room and had a little discussion. Since she doesn't speak much English and my dad, not much French.. I acted as liaison.

It seems in the morning they had him do chores and cooking. They made him make eggs and bacon and toast etc. Everything went well.

Tomorrow the group of therapists get together and discuss about the patients. She told me right off hand.. oh.. he'll be out in a few days for sure.

When we left the room, we met up with his doctor who said.. He can leave tomorrow.

Well.. my dad was ecstatic.. and for the rest of the afternoon was in a great mood.. and didn't give me one moment of strife.

When I left the hospital.. it was quite cold and the air was nipping at my ears..the walk is about 1/2 hour but I didn't care. I was just so relieved that it went well.

Monday, December 06, 2004

I feel better

Yesterday I was a jerk to someone I really care for. When I apologized, this person was extremely sweet and made me feel good instead of putting me down.

Going to see my dad so often, has not been good for my self-esteem. He just makes me want to crawl under a rock and cry. I can't let him do this. He has done it all my life, and wants me to believe that I don't deserve to be happy.

I can't let him do this... and I won't let him do this. I won't let him try to make me believe that I 'm worthless.

thank you, Heather and Los. for your kind words. They are appreciated. :)

Tough day, tough week.

oh.. my dad is giving me such a hard time. He is recovering very well.. but hates it at the hospital. During their evaluations, they have been asking him a gazillion questions.. that he finds stupid.. and have been making him do all kinds of movements and tests. He is not very happy.. feels they are treating him as if he is stupid or crazy.

Even though I go to see him everyday and sometimes twice a day, he dumps his frustrations on me. Now, it's all my fault I brought him into the hospital.. because he nows says he would have recovered on his own.. and I'm all to blame.

His girlfriend is not better. She just is so negative and has been putting a guilt trip on me because I don't want my dad living with me. My dad, on the other hand does not want to go into an assisted-living community. If you knew my history and everything that ever happened to me because of my dad, you would understand that I can't do it.

I've been trying hard to have a brave face and be strong. My brothers are far away and just figure I can take care of it all.

Besides that, I've gone and alienated someone I care alot for..

I feel so alone.. with no support anywhere.

Today.. I feel I can't do anything right. :(

Friday, December 03, 2004

a team of 12? Yep!

I went to see my dad at the hospital today.

They changed his room.. he is no longer with 3 women.. he is now in a room with just one other man.

When I arrived he was sleeping very soundly.. so I was surprised.. what's this? middle of the day? He didn't even hear me nor the huge buffing machine in the hall.

So I asked a nurse .. did you give him a sedative? Seemed that no.. not even a tylenol.

Soon after he awoke, he xplained that the night before (when he was in the room with the women) one of them cried all night.. and nurses were coming in and out .. telling her to calm down and don't cry.. so my dad didn't sleep all night. So after breakfast and a shower, they gave him a doppler exam in the morning to check his arteries.. and then did physical therapy.. so soon after lunch, he just fell asleep like a lump on a log.

He is doing well though, We walked around the floor he is on several times because he was bored out of his skull.

As well as he seems, they have a policy that if you have a stroke, no matter how mild, you have to be evaluated before you can leave.. especially if you live alone.
So I have seen 2 different specialists already .. have answered tons of questions.. but neither of them have seen my dad yet.. I almost feel as if I am the one getting tested.. lol

So, they will only start evaluating him on Monday. A team of 12 different specialists.. can you believe that? I live in the province of Quebec and we have governmental health care. People pay a tiny portion of their salary and everyone gets free health care. I cannot believe what this would cost if we lived in the US. It would be ridiculous.

Anyways, tomorrow he wants me to bring him Xmas cards and his list.. so he can write everyone. If only he could wait until Monday.. I would love them to see this.

I talked to his doctor (a cutie, by the way) that said.. that he didn't think they would keep him very long.. but that is how things worked.. it takes a team of 12 to get released from the hospital. :-P


Besides that.. sometimes living in a small town stinks!! Especially when you are looking for certain art supplies. I looked all over last night and couldn't find what I was searching for. I finally found it on ebay this morning. I wrote the seller , who lives in the States and she was a sweetheart. I don't have to wait for the auction to be over.. I paypalled the money and she mailed it out today. Yay!

Thursday, December 02, 2004

the apology

James called me. He was inquiring about how my dad was doing and then slithered the conversation over to what happened at the meeting. He gave me a half-assed apology along the lines of: I'm sorry it happened but it was not my fault and blamed someone else. She on the other hand blamed him.

As I look back on that evening and the little subtle things that happened, I know for certain that both he and the president knew and were just too chicken to tell me, leaving me in a awkward and embarrassing situation. It just shouldn't have happened.

I think you can tell alot about a person by how they own up to things and this tells me alot.

Anyways, I'm not a very vindictive person. I think this piece is amazing and I want to be part of it..I will still sing in it.. and I will still help paint sets etc., because I want the production to be a huge success. I actually like the new director and his set/costume designer and they have no fault here. It would be easy to make them the target, but why? They were not the ones that were dishonest or not forthright with me.

I did let James know though, that I was very disappointed because I deserved better, not only did I do alot of work for nothing.. but I didn't like having to feel like a fool. I didn't scream at him, I just simply told him .. how it made me feel. I could feel his embarrassment through the phone... at least it was not in front of a whole bunch of people; I wouldn't do that.

Wednesday, December 01, 2004

putting things into perspective

Normally, tonight, I would have had a rehearsal. I was wondering how it would unfold because of last's night events.

Today, during lunch hour my dad had a mild stroke. I guess that puts last night's events a bit more into perspective. It was maddening but not the end of the world.

His girlfriend called me and said.. something is wrong with your dad. I had spoken to him earlier and he seemed just fine.. so I was surprised but went over to see him. Well.. he couldn't speak except to say the word no! .. I tried to get him to put a coat on and bring him to the hospital.. but he wouldn't let me.. so I called an ambulance.

When we arrived at the hospital.. he couldn't speak and he was slightly confused but he pretty much understood what was going on. Slowly during the afternoon, he started to regain his speech, although partially. He had a scan and it revealed that the stroke was mild... it also revealed that he already had a a mild stroke before but they couldn't tell how long ago.

He was tired.. so I came home close to 4 o'clock. I went back around 6:30 and he was feeling much better. How do I put this nicely.. my dad is not the easiest person.. and was irritated that he hadn't eaten yet.. and sort of yelled at me. I figure if he has the strength to be mean.. he probably is feeling alot better.

Anways.. they will keep him at the hospital for a few days, they want to have a therapist work with him to help him regain his speech.

My mom died over 20 years ago and my dad has lived on his own since then.. but we may soon have to think about if he should live in some sort of assisted living community. He is not very young. When my dad got married.. he was already almost 40 years old, so he is in his 80's now.


and for some odd reason, Norrit started a thread in the Sugar Shack.. about me, and several people added to it. I have absolutely no idea why, hopefully it's not because I'm sad case.. but I must say.. on a day like today, it was just so refreshingly nice.. to have something good like that happen. It was like getting a huge hug.

let down

Well, I had my first production meeting.

It didn't go well. First thought that will probably come to your mind is that they didn't like the work I did... but I wouldn't know.. because they just never got to see it.

I'm going to backtrack here a bit to better set up the situation.

I do graphic design.. not enough to make me rich.. but enough to keep me happy and bring in a little money. I do mostly small quantities but unique and creative things.. like wedding invitations or gift certificates that looks like gifts and not certificates. I also do alot of posters and programs for local art shows, plays and concerts.

I also sing with a troupe that does large productions every other year or so. I do their posters, their programs, tickets.. have painted sets.. sewn costumes.. and made accessories (everything from pandora's box to Cerebus). Although regional, these productions are quite big .. costing several hundred thousand dollars.

This year we started a new production in September. I was approached in the summer to see if I was interested in doing the costume designs. At that moment, I didn't even have an idea what the piece was going to be about, but I was looking forward to the challenge and said yes.

So.. September rolls around, they bring me the script.. the music.. the roles. The story will move around alot.. between medieval times and the future. At this point, they haven't chosen their director yet. They have interviews set up and will be choosing in October.

I have started doing the costume sketches. preliminary stuff.

November.. Date is set up when I will meet the new director and set designer and we will hash out details.. tiny changes that need to be made.. so everything comes together and looks good and not like a mish-mash.

Now, James, the musical director has final say about everything. He started this project and it's his baby. Everytime I see him.. so.. Maggie.. how are the designs going? I can't wait to see them! etc., etc.,

Several weeks ago.. I'm walking with James, he lives a mere 5 minutes from where I live.. and he's telling me they have chosen the director. He mentions that the director usually works with a set designer and a costume designer... but that he was very adamant that I do the costumes. At this point .. I have several designs done.. but none of them are inked. I say.. you know James, if he's used to working with this other person.. I don't have to do the costumes.. NO, NO!!! I want you to do them, I trust you.. and bla.. bla.. that's it, that's all.. I can't wait to see what your great ideas are.

The meeting gets set for the 30th of November. The director is actually coming up here on the 29th.. and hashing through the storyline and music with James.

At this point, I'm a little nervous.. getting my stuff ready for the 30th. I want to make a good impression especially since I'm going to be replacing someone he is used to working with.. I better not arrive with nothing to show. I spend the last two days.. just coloring the designs on computer.

When I arrive.. James is there.. and so is Bruno who wrote the scenario and lyrics. James looks uncomfortable and for the very first time doesn't jump all over me saying.. hey.. Maggie.. show me what you have created... etc.,

I'm thinking he is just nervous about the production meeting.. how will it go etc.,

Finally everyone arrives .. introductions are made. When I'm introduced.. the president is kind of weird.. instead of saying this is Maggie and she will be doing the costume designs.. she fuddles and says something like.. This is Maggie.. she's done alot of different things for us during the years.. set work, graphics.. and she smudgingly says something about costumes.. but it's not very clear. Everyone else around the table seems to have a clear mandate about what their part in this is, except for me. I'm a bit bewildered why I was introduced this way, but just take it in stride as an overlook and although a little annoyed.. just let it go.

I'm sitting directly beside the set designer and the director. So.. I start to show the set designer what I have come up with.. and I literally see her take a quick breath.. there is a moment of hesitation.. and I immediately sense something wrong.

Here is what is wrong. She is not only the set designer.. she is also the costume designer. They are not two different people. They are "one". She works with this director.. they are a team. The day before they came to meet James and Bruno and explained this is how they work.. only thing is .. they neglected to tell me.

Out of the corner of my eye, I can see James.. looking down at the table, and it's as if time stops for a second.. feels almost like slow motion. I see the president.. all uncomfortable at the other end. They are uncomfortable? what about me? I'm embarrassed. I have a huge pile of designs.. and this woman is in the process of explaining that she designs her costumes around her sets etc., etc.,

I'm feeling like they think I'm some over anxious eager-beaver that is interested in them looking at my designs. I quickly shove the pile together and put them back in the manila envelope.

I'm angry.. but mostly hurt and embarrassed. I feel like I've been kicked in the stomach. I 'm not angry at the new director or set designer.. it's not their fault they work this way. They were very warm, creative people and I liked them. I am angry with James.. who pushed me to continue and whom after I specifically said that I would be willing to back down.. said.. NO!!
I did all this work.. and I might as well put it in the trash. Nobody will ever see it.

If you met me, you would know that I'm not a very controversial person. I'm honest and will share my thoughts if I think it will matter.. but I don't like fights, I don't provoke people.. actually I am quite easy going. So.. I didn't stand up and make a fuss.. I didn't overturn the table and call them names.. I just sat there.. very quietly.

After the meeting I talked to the president. She pretended that she didn't know that I wouldn't be doing the costumes.. but I know better.. just from her introduction.. I'm not sure how little before the meeting that she found out.. but she knew.

Now .. I'm anxious to see how do they announce this demotion to the troupe. How are they going to take it back. Also.. how embarrassing will it be for me when they announce it..or will they just not say anything and pretend it never happened. I have rehearsals tonight.. I want to see James look me in the eye and apologize. Will it happen? I 'll let you know.

Tuesday, November 30, 2004

1st production meeting

well, tonight is my first production meeting. I get to meet the director.. the set designer (both from Montreal) and the choreographer along with James, the musical director and Benoit, the scenarist and present my designs.
I'm a little nervous. The director, Stéphane St-Jean is used to working with his own costume designer.. but James wanted me to do them. I have never done anything like this before, hence my angst.
So.. if anyone out there has a little encouragement or good luck to send.. I would really appreciate it.

Monday, November 29, 2004

The jar at the back of the cupboard

I've been doing alot of searching lately.. searching for myself. Who I really am.. or at least the person I was meant to me. Seems I had lost myself once apon a time and I'm not sure exactly when, but I put myself into a jar.. and closed the lid.. and shoved it to the back of a cupboard.

Nothing drastic happened that I threw myself in a jar all at once.. it happened over time.. slowly.. stuffing a tiny bit of myself into that jar.. stuffed it up so full.. that almost all of me was in there.. and I became a smiling yet empty shell.

Now, that jar could have stayed at the back of the cupboard never to be found
again..or if found.. just to be thrown out..something that's been closed up like
that for so long ... surely couldn't be good anymore.

But who would have figured...something happened and that jar was found and the lid opened.. and all of a sudden, for the first time in a very long time, I feel I can breathe.

Everyday I visit the jar and take back a little bit of myself... the part that danced around the house to music.. just because it felt great.. and didn't care what anyone thought. The part that that wasn't afraid to try something new, that was not uncomfortable with her body, that had desires and fantasies, the part that was spontaneous and had confidence in herself; the part that was truly alive.

It is a bit scary.. learning to try and trust your feelings again... so much emotion all at once.. you want to stuff it all back in the jar... go back to your very safe but boring life.. but somehow it all just won't fit in back into the jar anymore.

Thursday, November 25, 2004

blond fudge

My computer room is very tiny.. but it is all mine. Anything you find in this room belongs to me. Today I packed up everything.. well almost everything in this room.. into boxes because we will be redoing the floors in here this weekend. I cannot believe how much stuff I have. It seems incredible to me that I have amassed so much.

I have so much paper too.. photopaper (matte and glossy), ordinary paper, parchment paper, construction paper, marbled paper, gold and silver paper, vellum paper, linen paper, textured paper, handmade paper, watercolor paper and I could go on and on.

Now, some of you may think I'm crazy, but I do use these papers alot. I do alot of personalized graphic stuff.. and often combine different mediums to give a unique look. I guess I was just surprised how much of it I actually have.


Tonight I went to Claudette's and helped her make cookies for a bake sale she is participating in. We made several shortbread cookies (all cut out in Xmas designs) and we also made some pretty awesome blond fudge. It is so simple to make and so yummy! I'm going to put the recipe here for anyone that has a sweet tooth.

Claudette's Blond Fudge.

3 cups of white sugar
3/4 cup of butter
3 1/2 oz (160ml)Evaporated Milk .. the smallest can is just right.
4 Caramilk chocolate bars (break into squares)
2 cups of mini-marshmallows.

put sugar, butter and evaporated milk in a small pot on the stove
on low heat until melted and it startes to boil
When it starts to boil.. make sure the heat is quite low and cook for 5 minutes, stirring constantly so it doesn't burn or stick.

Take off the stove

add the caramilk chocolate bars and your mini-marshmallows
stir until everything has melted.. and well-combined..

Pour into a buttered pan. Let set and enjoy

This is so deceptively simple.. I doubt anyone could screw this up and you will be pleasantly surprised at the wonderful texture and flavor of this blond fudge.

Monday, November 22, 2004

Concept accepted.

It was this morning that I presented my St. Valentine's Day concept. The meeting was a casual breakfast meeting in a nice hotel. We had a separate room for the meeting and ate beforehand.

You just never know how these things will go since there is a committee and everyone has to like what you are presenting. I have done work for these people before and never really had a problem but there is always that moment of doubt; will they like what I'm putting on the table? Yes, I do realize if they don't like it that it is not a reflection on me as a person.. but as a creator of things, it is sometimes hard to discriminate between the two.

I'm happy to say they were very enchanted by the concept (actually, they were thrilled) and the whole evening will be pulled together with the tuxedo theme. I will be making tickets, menus and programs all in the same style. I'm very pleased !

Sunday, November 21, 2004


Went out this afternoon and saw kids playing hide-and-seek. This brought back memories of when I was a child; we would often play.

I remember one time in particular. My parents had gone out for the evening and my 2 brothers, both several years older than I were to take care of me. I'm not sure how old I was really, perhaps 9, maybe 10. It was a warm summer night and it was quite late. I live pretty far up north, so the sun may only set around 9:30-10pm. Of course they didn't want to come in the house and babysit me, they had friends and wanted to hang out so I was allowed to play with them. Right, sure.. so I thought.

We would play a game : Hide-and-Seek. They told me though to play with them I would have to be "IT" and I couldn't just count to 100, that wasn't enough.. it had to be 1000. Sure.. ok.. anything they wanted . I wanted to stay up and I wanted to play with the big kids.

They took me to the corner of the street, just 2 houses away. Then I was told, you can look anywhere but don't go into the B's garage.

With my eyes closed and my head resting on the street lamp pole I started to count. 1, 2, 3, 4, 1000 is going to take alot of time.. 50, 100, 150 300, 301, 302, ... 500, 800, 1000.. "Ready or not here I come".

I searched behind the steps.. behind cars.. under cars, sides of houses, even in the garbage bins. They were nowhere to be found. It was very quiet. I started to get scared. I was all alone and I just couldn't find anyone. I started saying things like.. ..Come on, you guys.. where are you? It's not funny anymore.. I 'm scared. There was no answer. This was probably the moment I started to cry...still there was no answer.

I was pretty naive, but the words.. "don't look in the B's garage came back to me".... and I thought.. they have tricked me. I bet anything they are in the garage.

So I went to B's garage and the door was ajar. I entered and "TA DA!" .. the motherlode! They were all in there alright.. and they were certainly not playing hide and seek. The three couples had paired off and were all in B's stationwagon.. necking away! I was pretty outraged. Not that they were kissing, but that they had tricked me! They then consoled me and even though they hurt my pride, I didn't tell my parents. It's kind of funny today, actually.

Saturday, November 20, 2004

projects I'm working on.

I thought I'd show you a few pictures of the work I'm doing in the wedding album.

I also have just done a concept for a St-Valentine's Day benefit supper. The ticket, the menu and the program for the evening must match. I came up with the concept of using a tuxedo as a cover.
Here is the concept. As you can see the ticket has a line to cut and fold down so it looks like a formal shirt collar. I hope you think it simple yet elegant.

Friday, November 19, 2004


I have been commissioned to calligraphy a wedding album. I have been doing this for several days now.. and hardly feel like I have gotten a dent into it yet.

The album is 100 pages.. and each page has 2 sections that can be filled.. so that means 200 spaces to fill. I have to fill it with love citations.. and then embellish (in paint) with vines, hearts, flowers, leaves, anything romantic. A few pages of this is fine, but after a while.. I just get so tired of it. It no longer feels creative, it just feels like a chore. Perhaps if I were a monk in medieval times and created each and every letter with all my love and adoration I would feel differently but this is absolutely not the case.

She is ecstatic though.. and is going to get a handmade music stand made.. and place the album on it. This will be placed in her living room. Sounds a little crazy to me, but to each his own and it's not going to be in my house, so what do I care?

Anyways, my fingers are cramped and I'm tired of doing it.

Somebody come and take me away!!!

Wednesday, November 17, 2004

Forget your perfect offering

There's a crack in everything
That's how the light gets in

Sunday, November 14, 2004


I'm just so angry with myself.

I am in the team H2H tournament contest and I have let
my team down.

A few days ago I came here and talked all about the
team photo tournament I was taking part of and how my
photo shoot really turned into a disaster. I had another
idea.. but when I tried to get it to work.. it was not
quite as spectacular as I hoped for. Finally, I got a third idea..
that was much simpler but could give wonderful
results. I only had to get the material.

Today, I walked for about 1 hour to get what I needed.. to come
home and find that the submit date was last night.

In my mind, the contest started Monday night.. like last time. This does not excuse me in any way. I feel terrible.

Although there are 9 members on our team.. only 3 submitted. We have only done 2 rounds so far.. and both times, I was our team's highest scorer..coming in 2nd and 1st, consecutively. I'm pretty sure our team leader was expecting me to enter a photo, not necessarily a winner, but not crap either, but one that would at least help keep our score up.

What really bothers me is that each team needs a minimum of 4 entries or else the team is disqualified from that round. So by not entering, everyone else's work was for nothing.

I'm so, so sorry. I just want to cry. :(

Saturday, November 13, 2004

the dreaded supper

Well, I'm back from the dreaded supper. I had a few suggestions on how to avoid going.

It was suggested that I sell the chance to go in my place on Ebay. As tempting as this seemed, there was nothing really to offer someone. No tempting virgin bridesmaids, no free supper (which wasn't all that good either).

It was also suggested that I conveniently twist an ankle, or rupture an appendix! Well.. I decided I wasn't masochist enough to enjoy actually maiming myself more than going to the dumb dinner.

Anyways. I went. It was boring. The food was ok, but not great. I decided on Scallop Linguine. I think they must have put the scallops in the food processor because I didn't see any.

Sylvain had the seafood lasagna. I took a taste from his fork.. and when he pulled it back .. he knocked over his wine, yes, red wine, into his plate, on his shirt and on his pants. His lasagna was literally floating in red wine.

Add to this the speeches. Were they sincere.. heck if I know.

After supper, we had the pleasure of having a lady lounge singer. I sound bitter, don't I? Well, she was pretty awful. She sang songs that I think she picked up as karaoke files on the internet, put into her computer and sort of made up the melody in the parts she didn't know. She also sang many English songs that she just couldn't pronounce and just mumbled a bunch of words. To me it was very funny.. probably the best part of the evening.. because I couldn't help myself from laughing.

Anyways.. I'm home and what can I say.. I survived.. next dreaded evening.. The company's Xmas supper. Argh!!


It's apple-cinnamon

come over and have a piece.. it's still hot!

Tuesday, November 09, 2004

photo shoots.

Well, I've started taking pictures last summer for the first time in my life.. and I really enjoy it. I think I enjoy doing studio shots the most as this is what gives me the most control. I try to make the images.. what I see in my head.

Today.. I had this idea for the next tournament image.. but after it turning out quite disasterously.. I have decided to to with another concept.. so it is alright for me to talk about this one here.

The theme is "Action".. which is not the typical studio shot. I live in a small town and there are not alot of events that happen that would give me a good shot let alone a great one.

So I came up with the idea of capturing the cork coming out of a champagne bottle.
Now.. the problem is my camera does not take pictures fast enough. I have no cable release... and I can't afford several bottles of champagne to try and do this pic.
So.. I come up with this (what I thought at the moment) great idea.. to use baking soda and vinegar.. and get it to explode.. Of course I have to be able to capture the cork coming out.. so I figured I'd trick that part.. and get it wired in the air atop the bottle so when the fizz came shooting out.. it would be in the proper place.

Well. I started in the kitchen sink.. I learned that I needed a moderate amount of baking soda and alot of vinegar to get it to shoot out about 8-9 inches.

So. I set up in the living room.. (yes.. my studio is either my kitchen or the livingroom depending on the space I need). I put a huge plastic all over the floor.. this may get messy. I needed something that was quite shallow so I could get close enough with my camera. So I used the piano bench. The legs of the piano bench were a little short .. so when my camera was on the tripod.. I couldn't get down low enough.. and I wanted the shot straight on.

So.. look around for 4 things that are the same put under the legs. You'd think it would be easy.. but actually I had a darned time finding something. I finally went with 4 soup bowls turned upside down. How pitiful is that? anyways.. it worked.. it was at a great level.

So after draping it with black material.. and setting up a spot behind I'm almost ready to do my shoot.

The spot looks great.. but too white. So I figure .. a nice blue glow on the black background would be nice. So I put a piece of glass over the spot.. so I can put on some blue tissue paper without it burning.. Well, the tissue paper didn't burn but the glass got very hot and literally shattered.

After picking up the pieces.. without cutting myself, mind you.. I thought.. well.. I'll try the lighting on the side. directed toward the ceiling.. and bouncing back down and I will see what effect it gives. I'm worried if I leave the lamp there. .the water will shoot out and really cause an explosion with the hot lamp.

Everything seems to be working fine until I have to actually do the mix. First I have to put in the soda.. no problem. Now I have to set up the camera to take the pic with a delay. I have no choice. I can't be at two places at the same time... although I multitask.. still not fast enough. So I try it with 2 seconds.. obviously I can't pour enough vinegar in 2 seconds.. to get the fizz to come up.. and get my hands out of the way. 10 seconds isn't much better. I'm trying to count it.. but I am not able to get it right. so I 'm either too fast.. or too slow. Last time around.. it shoots up literally 3 feet in the air... of course I miss it.. but I get alot of space wet.
It just wasn't going to work. So.. I have abandoned the idea and am on to another one.. Something tamer! lol!

I look back on the year that I have taken photos and it's funny to me to what lengths I sometimes go to take a shot. I have taken apart alarm clocks, painted backgrounds. chipped out lightbulbs, etc., etc.

I did an image last year.. for a theme at Worth called Green. Green is what we call the color of money.. so I made a dollar sign out of matches that I painted green to make the statement.. Money to Burn.

Here is a small version of the image:

Here is what I had to do to get the shot.
I glued 1500 matches to the dollar sign I made. You can't be sloppy at this point. you don't want to see any glue at all. Then as luck would have it I couldn't find green matches.. so I painted them. After putting everything on black posterboard (If I had to do it over I would have used something else) I hotglued a match at an angle to make it look as if it were just standing up there on it's own.

Here is a composite of the work done:

The last three images on the bottom are pics I took when I burned it outside.

Monday, November 08, 2004

take my place

Well.. Seems someone where Sylvain works is leaving and they are all going to the restaurant for her farewell supper...Saturday evening. As much as I dread this, yes, I'm expected to be there!

I am already imagining it. It 's easy.. we already go to their summer party and then the Xmas one.. so .. let's just say it's boring for me.

As this is a farewell supper.. there will probably be speeches and thank-you's. This might be touching to me if I knew the person concerned.. but she's a stranger. They are all.. Oh.. I dread this so much.

Anyone want to take my place? Seems the food will be good! (little consolation)

Saturday, November 06, 2004

doing cleaning!

Today, I cleaned out our refrigerator.. oh joy! .. I hate doing this type of stuff.. but it has to be done and nobody else is volunteering.

Everytime I clean the fridge.. I just know I am going to find some ghastly surprise. Like a tomato rotting in the bottom of the veggie bin, or some delectable stuff you bought and forgot you even had. Now it looks alright.. but since you can't remember when you bought it.. do you really want to take the chance. NO!

There is always something hidden deep behind the mayo and the pickles.. yes.. ladies and gentlemen.. today I found a container with cut up canteloupe. With much trepidation I open it up. I can't believe it... it smells like it has started to ferment... so I now have the choice of making booze or chucking it.. You are so out of here!

I can't believe that some people say that they enjoy cleaning. My neighbor says that. I think to myself, how pathetic is your life if the best thing in it is cleaning? I think perhaps it is obsession. They always seem to attack the job. I have never seen anyone cleaning with a look of joy on their faces... like old-fashioned commercials.. where the women smiled while they washed the dishes. I love my dishwasher.. enough said.

Friday, November 05, 2004

Looking out my front door

This is not the first snow of the season..but the first that is actually staying..

Wednesday, November 03, 2004


Had practice tonight.

It went very well. We had a vocal coach tonight and she is very interesting. This is the 2nd time we have worked with her. She'll be around every couple of weeks all year. No stupid breathing exercises, lifting of the palette, singing into the mask etc.,

The basics of what she was saying was the following: Our body is our instrument and you shouldn't be trying to change it to make the sounds and hit the notes you want to. If you take a violin.. you don't change the shape of the violin.. it is the strings that count. Your vocal chords work naturally and know just what to do.

Ever hear a baby screaming it's heart out? How can an itty-bitty baby have a voice that can fill a room? Basically he isn't hindered by all the crap that we are. Children scream freely. Ask an adult to just stand up and really scream. He may yell.. but really scream, not so much.

It is amazing to me that when we each had to get up and sing individually.. the people who have the most hangups.. have absolutely no power in their voice or any resonance. They are all crisped up..and so is their voice.

These exercises will not only help liberate our voices.. but I think letting go to sing will help liberate our souls. It is amazing that notes you think you can't hit.. that you really can.

I know since the last time she came I have an easier time hitting the highest notes. I stopped thinking about not being able to hit it because it was too high.. and just sang.. let go. When I was worried about not hitting it.. I didn't know that just that was enough to tighten up the larynx.. and make it impossible to hit that note. When that happens .. you really think you can't do it and each time you tense up trying to do .. you only make it worse.

To really do this.. you have to let go of stuff. Stuff. Basically all any thing that that hurt you .. and made you build a shell around yourself.

This carries off into other areas of my life. I think I am not as afraid to take a risk because of being afraid. Sure.. things are still scary... It won't happen over night.. but I think it gives me courage I didn't have before. Courage to be who I really am and not what I think people expect of me.

Sure, you have to let yourself be vulnerable, and yes, easier said than done...but you can become truer to yourself. I want to feel those feelings and feel alive.

Saturday, October 30, 2004

Halloween pictures! :)

Today it rained so hard. In French there is an expression "Il pleut comme vaches qui pissent" It's raining like cows peeing .. that's alot of rain! :)

I had to do my groceries this afternoon and was not delighted to have to go out in such terrible weather, but when I left the grocery store the rain had stopped and there was
a beautiful soft wind.. that just lifted my hair and made it feel like it was floating. It was a nice feeling.. like when you were young and played on the swings and you were almost completely upside down.. and your hair would just be in suspension.. that's how it felt.


Last night I promised some pictures of the trick-or-treaters.. here they are:

This little girl had gorgeous eyes!

So pretty! Can't possibly be a real witch!

Marmaduke and friends


And I have to show at least one really scary monster

Friday, October 29, 2004


Today is the 29th, but here in my little town the children will be passing Halloween. I find it too bad that they don't pass on Halloween night.. on the 31st. So what if there is school the next day.. that is part of the fun. You come home.. all hyper .. rifle through your loot, eat too much.. and as soon as you hit the pillow you fall fast asleep. Ah.. the good old days.

When I was young, there was this very nice .. but very, very old lady that lived on a second floor and she would bring us into her kitchen where she had all her kitchen counters filled with bowls of homemade candies. She also had a bowl of apples that was pretty full.. nobody wanted to deprive her of her daily fruit. Today, sadly, all here delicious home-made concoctions were be thrown in the trash by wary parents. Ah.. the good old days.

One year, when Simon was very young, he went out as a gypsy. Well, everyone kept on saying.. "oh, you have such a beautiful little girl".. obviously he wasn't very happy about that.. "I'm not a girl! " . Next day, he went into the bathroom with scissors and cut his long eyelashes. Remember the expression, you shouldn't play around with that .. you could poke your eye out.. where here it applied!

I have a picture somewhere of me when I was quite young going out for halloween with my dad who is dressed up in drag.. although he was a handsome man, he was an very ugly woman. I'll try and find it and post it here!

Well, I looked and didn't find it.. I guess it is at my dad's house. I don't remember if I had it or it was still there.. but I did find this photograph of me when I'm about 2.. so that's what I 'll share instead. It's a little grainy because I made it enlarged it a bit.

Wednesday, October 27, 2004

Foggy Morning

Usual after rehearsals I go out with friends to the restaurant.. we usually have coffee or tea or something to eat.

Tonight, instead, I was hoping to perhaps take a few pictures of the halloween decorations on the streets. It didn't go as well as I hoped.. hindered by the fact that I'm walking with a camera and a camera case and a binder with my music and a water bottle.. doubled by the effect that I walked with James who lives close to where I live .. and he is about 6'3" or something.. so you can imagine he is a real daddy-long legs.. so we don't have quite the same stride.. He's strolling along and I feel like the little japanese girl behind her master trying to play catch up with several quick tiny steps.. (Ok, well not quite but you get my drift :P )

So.. I came home with no photos.. but the fresh air helps get rid of a headache I had since the afternoon. I feel much better now!

So, I'm home early!!!

I took a picture outside early this morning to show how unpredictable our weather is.. remember the gorgeous red sky the other morning.. this morning was very foggy.
I should also tell you that I am half-dressed at this moment.. but I don't want to really get dressed because as my luck would have it, I would find the fog already gone.. so braving the cold just for you guys.. here you go:

here you go:

When I enter the house and download the pictures.. I notice that "hey the next door neighbour kids were sitting there waiting for their bus.. Funny.. I didn't notice them.. and usually when they see me.. they come running over.. and are all chatty...

Just to show you that it really was quite cold.. here is a beginning of a spider web that was on the bannister this morning.. There were only two long lines.. I think the spider thought it might have been too cold and gave up... ;) Yes.. that is ice on the one spider string.

Did I mention I wasn't wearing any shoes or socks?

anyways.. later on I had errands to run and I had to go meet some costume rental people for medieval costumes... to see what we can arrange. The fog is gone and the weather is beautiful.. and this is what I see next door..

Yes.. last night my neighbours put up some Halloween decorations including these very unchatty little scarecrows. Ha! They pulled my leg without even trying. Anyways, I thought it was funny so I had to take the picture.

Saturday, October 23, 2004

Where is everyone?

Today is a weird.

It feels like I'm the only person on the net.

The Worth forums have nothing interesting going on. The cookies aren't working in the forums.. so after rechecking them and rechecking them.. I'm wondering if anyone is on.

I'm in the photography tournament and nothing has changed there since this morning. (by the way, only 22 entries and a whole week to vote... why SO long?)

Artalyst is dead too.

Nobody has updated their blogs.

No emails, not even spam.. Gee-Whiz!

Guess I'll take a shower and go out; the weather is nice (10C out) and alot of the trees are still pretty.

Thursday, October 21, 2004


Our rehearsal last night was really alot of fun. We are really still in the first stages but it's already a blast. I may have already mentionned that the piece moves between the future and the past.. as does the music. Last night we worked on parts that were for the incantations and magic spells.. so you can imagine the eerie kind of singing going on .. about black magic and white magic or somewhere in between.. of course we will have our brew..

our ingredients:
- the pearl drop from a sweaty brow
- a tiny drop of blood
- a rare hair from a shiny bald head
- a large front tooth
- the teardrop of the youngest baby
- the spit off a dripping chin
- the bloody head of a hog (this one gets into all our productions, it's our mascot)
- thirty pieces of gold and silver
- and finally the soft kiss of 2 lovers.

We even call on the planets with the help of a Wizard.

We call on Mars and it's red waters, Jupiter and it's cyclonic eye, the Moon with it's double whiteness and Pluto and it's far away coldness to help us to invoke the Creator of all living things.

We now turn to doing this awesome gregorian chant..(I'm sure you've heard that in scary movies) and we will be doing something that ressembles Tai-Chi movements (as a group) while we sing. This part will obviously be one of the high points of the piece.

When you get home after that you just cannot sleep.. You are just so energized.
Right now we are just learning the basics.. by the time we get to next summer.. we will be rehearsing on stage. We will also have 2 weeks of intense rehearsals everyday. When we are finished rehearsals .. people are so full of energy.. we go out.. we go to restaurants.. go dancing.. whatever.. We are all just so hyped.

Wednesday, October 20, 2004

baby it's cold outside

Brrrr..... Yesterday morning there was snow on the ground when I woke up.. it melted during the day but winter is definitely in the air. This morning everything was frozen and it's time to drag out the winter boots.

Besides that nothing very exciting has been going on.. we fixed our ceiling but it hasn't been painted yet. Sylvain built a sort of shelter extending out from our house covering alot of our deck. It is only temporary.. for the winter... but we won't have to shovel the deck and we will still be able to BBQ (jut have to get dressed up like a bear to do it )

We also put up our Tempo. For people in warm regions that don't know what a tempo is .. it is like a temporary garage. We have a garage but of course we don't put the car there.. Sylvain has that filled with tools and stuff.. and besides it's behind the house and that would mean we would have to shovel about 75 feet to open the door. The tempo gets put up close to the street. so you only have a few feet to shovel.
This is what it looks like (it isn't completely attached yet but you get the idea)

I just hope the weather warms up a bit for the trick or treaters. I went out to buy candy for Halloween yesterday. Mmmm....there are alot of very enticing treats here at the moment.

Friday, October 15, 2004


Ah.. this evening I listened to Radio Enigma.. I was looking for Cynlynn's show because I had missed it earlier this week.. anways..

There was some music on.. rockabilly sort of music.. it was pretty good but quite old.. and sounded like it was playing on out of a tin can.

The song ends.

The DJ starts tapping the microphone.. Is this thing on??

now comes his little speech: (not exactly verbatim.. but close!)

Well, I guess alot of you have wondered where I have been the last weeks.. well. I was in the slammer. Yes. In jail.

Well as much as I don't want to talk about it, I feel I have to so I was in jail because of my friend ratting me out. You hear me.. if you are out there and you hear me ... I'm gonna ta get you!

He continues....

So you want to know why I was in prison. Well because I put my bathtub on my front lawn and put my GMC truck engine in it.

When we moved here we had no idea this place was going to be so "high falutin" and that we wouldn't be able to leave our bathtub with my GMC motor in it.

Well, my friend (so and so) ratted me out and went to he commission and told them. I'm going ta get you, I'm going ta get you good!

So 'cause I couldn't pay the fine.. they put me in jail. Mildred finally came and paid and I got out. I was in there for 5 weeks. The fine was $46.- .. but I'm not bitter, I learned alot about myself in the can.

Tap, Tap on the microphone.. Is this thing still on?

:D Hilarious!

Cyn.. thanks for the link to this station. It was so funny. Even better than your redneck bar!


Tuesday, October 12, 2004

My Thanksgiving Weekend

Thanksgiving in Canada is celebrated on the second Monday of October. We had invited a couple over with their children for a nice supper.

Sunday I prepared making the soup and also made spinach dip to be eaten with veggies, did the dessert..Prepared everything for the stuffing so when I got up early on Monday to put the turkey in the oven.. I wouldn't have so much to do or so much of a mess.

Monday rolls around and I get the rest of the food prepared.. and Carmen calls around 2 to say the kids won't be coming.. and that they will be there around 4. Fine. Her kids are good and I really don't mind when they come.. but sometimes it is a nice change of pace to be just "BIG KIDS!!".

We've pretty much decided we will have supper around 6, but it's nice they will get there early.. I haven't seen them in quite a while and I have stuff to show her. I want to show her how I have redecorated my bedroom.. not only painted.. but redesigned the furniture.. put two small side dressers together.. one atop the other.. put new hardware.. and molding on top.. and ball feet made with balls from fenceposts.. (I know it sounds really ratty, but I 'll dig up a picture soon and show you it is really nice) I also made the bedspread in ultrasuede.. curtains .. pillowcases.. well the whole shebang.

I also wanted to show her Worth1000 and the cool stuff we do there.

When they showed up they brought a bottle of wine and insisted we open it up at once.. so I and she both had a glass.

She is the tiniest thing.. perhaps 85 to 90lbs tops! I like wine but I'm a really slow drinker.. ( I guess that makes me a really cheap date, right? ) anyways.. I told her to take it easy.. but she insisted she was feeling fine. She did look fine, at the moment.

Anways.. around 5:30 we start with the soup.. I always put a dash of cayenne just before eating .. it gives the soup a bit of heat. She says.. oh good idea.. and put in one dash.. then another.. I 'm not talking chili powder here.. I'm talking cayenne pepper.. so she already has 2 and says.. not very hot.. and adds a third. Her hubby, Michel, is saying to her.. to go easy on it.

Soup was a hit.. liked by all.. now we are going to have a bit of salad.

She's still drinking.. I'm a bit worried.. I 'm telling to to slack a bit.. but NO! NO! I'm fine. I can tell Michel is not too happy about it either but she still seems fine and nobody wants to jump down her throat.

After salad she is starting to look a little queasy around the edges.. and by the time turkey gets to the table.. she can't eat.. not a bite.. Now.. you may say it is the food.. but Sylvain ate his plate.. you practically have to watch out he doesn't lick it.. and Michel (who before eating said.. oh.. don't give me so much) also left only bones and nothing else on the plate.

Carmen is starting to look a little green around the edges.. I ask her.. do you want to go to the bathroom.. no.. I'm never sick.. blah blah.. ( she's so macho, don't you think? )

So she asks can she have a coffee. We haven't finished eating, but of course we oblige.. only wanting her to feel better.

Coffee isn't going to do it. Michel brings her to the bathroom.. Twice. Second time around she's on her knees and she justs wants to prop her head on the toilet seat.. and stay there.. (This is the moment you are really proud that your toilet is clean!)

You want to say, I told you so! but what will that help now -- insert rhetorical question mark here!

So.. basically.. every one is making light of it.. laughing it off.. but truly it was sad. An evening ruined. I think we tried to keep it light so Michel wouldn't feel so darn bad.. having to support her to get to their car and then to strap her in as if she were a baby.

I prepared their desserts to bring home, especially for the kids.

Now I like wine.. but not because I want a buzz.. I like wine for the flavor. I like it with food. I don't need wine to make me a fun person. I've got to tell you.. I don't care how pretty and sophisticated you are .. you don't look elegant with your head propped on the crapper.



Sylvain has taken the week off and we will be doing renovations. Nothing major.. like room divisions.. but we have old ceiling tiles in the living room that are very crooked.. and look like rec-room tiles.. they are not beautiful or vintage anything.
Here is what they look like.

I'm his official assistant.. ha! We have an expression here .. called "bouche-trou".. you fill in the holes... you do what others don't want to do. I call it being Polyfilla... just like spackle.

I get coffee.. I get tools.. I hold things up .. help bring them down.. measure.. and listen to how old and crooked our house is.

Anyways.. It will be worth it when it is done.

Here is a pic of Sylvain .. putting up the gyproc.

So.. we are tired.. only got half done.. will continue tomorrow and then after that we will have to plaster.

Oh.. and I did a chop this weekend for a contest.. It really did very badly but I had a blast making it.. it was just so much fun.. I hadn't done a chop in a long while.. well if you don't count the last speedround, where I put the image on my desktop.. left for lunch came home and with an 1 1/2 to go.. started looking for sources.. and shouldn't have uploaded an unfinished image.. but just didn't care. Anyways..
I still like the image.. and even though it "AIN'T" perfect.. it makes me smile.. and
hope it may make you smile too!

Saturday, October 09, 2004

Tree - Experiment with Depth 0f Field

Hey.. you could poke your eye out!

Ok.. well.. almost..

Sylvain stabbed himself with toothpick he didn't take out of his club sandwich.

Right in the chin.. I thought it was ketchup from his fries..

It was blood.

He survived.

Friday, October 08, 2004


They are announcing alot of rain here for the coming days so I decided to go out and take some photos while the trees still had leaves on them.

I come home and as usual, first thing i do is download the photos to my computer. Well.. my monitor has a huge bar on it saying : no power source attached to the monitor or something like that. I press the on button, nothing happens.. nada.. nothing. Darn.. I'm a bit peeved. I just changed the power supply in spring. Seems it has died again.

So, I call up Sylvain and let him know that I'm going to have to change my power supply... and he tells me that while I was out.. the whole town had experienced a loss of electricity at least 6 times.

I'm thinking there was some kind of power surge and it damaged my power supply... things like this happen. I once had a digital phone with an answering machine integrated. While out there was a loss of electricity for about a minute.. when I got back home the phone was ringing, so I answered it .. nobody there.. so I hung up .. it rang again.. answered .. nobody there.. well.. the electronics were now screwed up and you couldn't hang up the phone without it ringing.

anyways.. back to my computer.

I am just about to call Glen and ask him how much a power supply will cost me and I'm thinking it won't be too much since I will install it myself.. so no labor costs involved and I look under my desk.. and of course the light for the power surge protector is on.. and it clicks.. not literally.. but in my brain.. I understand all. I shut off the surge protector and turn it back on.. reboot.. and voilà!.. everything is fine and humming along.

They do say you appreciate things better when you think you will lose them.. point well taken.

Thursday, October 07, 2004

my Thursday.

Funny, Los told me the other day, that the smaller the job and the budget, the more likely the project would be more involved and the client more indecisive.

Well.. spot on, Los. Today, the woman comes to see me.. the venue will be again changing back to the Golf course.. but not to do that work before it has been confirmed.. if it's not confirmed.. it will go back to the restaurant... so that pretty much puts that project on hold.

She then went on to pretty much tell me that she is into this new-age type of healing and chakrahs and reiki or something.. and that I had tooth trouble because someone caused me stress in my life etc., and that is how I got rid of the stress! Besides all this .. she is very "granola". I don't know if you use that expression anywhere else.. or if it is typically French Canadian.. but it means they only eat things that are organic, no meat, only grains and beansprouts! Very tempting.. but .. uh.. no thanks! ;)

I think she would have disapproved of my shopping list. I went tonight to get several things for our Canadian Thanksgiving. We are having a couple over with their two kids. Leak soup, stuffed Turkey (no candied potato things with marshmallows--- I always see that in American Thanksgivings on TV.. but have never tried to eat that and haven't ever seen it in a Canadian Thanksgiving supper. (ok.. maybe I'm wrong and it's delicious.. but it just looks kind of weird) and I'm thinking for desert, apples in puff pastry with caramel dribbled on top.. sound good? Or perhaps I will make a dish called "Sex in a Pan" that is called that because people say it is as good as having sex.. well, that's an exaggeration but still pretty good and really easy to make.

Does anyone have a better idea? I'm open to suggestions, but only ones that are both fool-proof and delicious.

Eric came for a short visit tonight. He is in town for the Thanksgiving weekend. He wanted to tell us about his new job. He draws plans for furniture. The designers from a certain company.. such as Thomasville or something.. will send over the designs and he uses those to make autocad drawings so they can produce the furniture with the proper specs. He has only been there 6 weeks and really loves it. He lives in Victoriaville and has been staying at a B&B during the week..and going home on weekends. They don't charge him alot because it is very, very quiet during the week.. but now he is officially going to move.

Well, that's about it. I wish I had something more exciting to tell.. but then I'd have to make it up.

Wednesday, October 06, 2004

I hate going to the dentist.

Well.. yesterday the gums around one of my molars was bugging me and this morning I woke up to what looked like the beginning of an abcess.

I hate going to the dentist.. but previous experiences have taught me that things usually only get worse.

So, I've paid someone $200. to torture me and leave me with a slightly swollen jaw.

I should be a happier person tomorrow.

Tuesday, October 05, 2004

tuesday tidbits

I have a job to do for a ticket for a drawing. It isn't anything creative or complicated.. but you'd swear it was a huge advertising campaign for a multi-national company or something from the amount of times I have been called.

They have changed their minds several times. First the tickets would be in 2 colors, recto-verso and now they will only be in one and recto only. I did get her to agree to allow a gradient because it is not much more expensive .. just the cost for the screening.

They have also changed the venue for the drawing 3 times. First time around it was going to be at the Golf Course, then it was going to be at the Forestel.. now they have again changed it.. this time to a Thai restaurant.

So much fuss for 777 tickets... Somebody thinks 7 is a lucky number. At first I thought perhaps the winner would be taking a Boeing 777 so that was the reasoning behind the magical number of tickets. but when I mentionned that to her.. she just said, oh.. we hadn't even thought of that!


Ran out and paid bills today.. and then went shopping for undies. yes.. panties! If you think we are going to talk sex here.. sorry to disappoint.
It always takes me a long time because I fall in love with all these really gorgeous
items that are not that comfortable but just look great. So I end up buying some for comfort and some for .... well "fun". The weird part of the really nice ones are that they are 1/2 the size.. and twice as expensive.


Got home in time to listen to Cynlynn's radio show.. or should I say Raven's Radio show. It was alot of fun and nothing less than diverse. She plays everything from
Led Zeppelin to Willie Nelson.. now that is what I call eclectic :)


Monday, October 04, 2004

Little of this, lots of that!

Today's lesson... save or you may have to rewrite your whole post over!

---Little this.

Since yesterday it is freezing here. As warm as it was last week, 24-25 and more.. that is 78+F ... we wake up this morning and it is 1, with a windshield factor of -3. In Fahrenheit that is 33 degrees and perhaps as little as 27-28 with the wind factor.

I just wanted to put on woolen socks and not care if I looked like a babushka.. I was freezing!

My brother Henry came on the weekend.

He lives in Granby but travels to Montreal to work. Shirley, his partner, is an RCMP officer and since a few months also has been working in Montreal. They have been traveling 2 hours a day, and 3-4 when there is heavy traffic. They traveled in different vehicules since they aren't on the same schedules. Since a few weeks ago, they have rented an apartment in Montreal. They will stay there during the week and go home weekends.


He hadn't seen any of the photographs I had done since I started and even though he is my brother it is a huge compliment to me that he not only really liked them but wants several of them to display on his walls. He just happens to have great taste!


Martha Stewart: I hear she's going to prison very soon. Ok, I know she lied.. so now we can all sleep soundly knowing our streets will be safe now that she is behind bars.
enough said.

Lots of that!

Remember my one day job for a mine. I was talking to Donald about them and we did a little bit of research about them on the internet. (great invention, by the way! ;) )

Long story.. short!

- Flashback 15 or so years.
They own a small meatpacking plant in the US. They have problems with the union.. they go to court.. they close down.

-- they come up with the idea of buying mines that have gone under but that they believe are still profitable as long as they have "good management".

fastforward a bit...
They invest in a mine in Canada.. they put up a little.. government puts up alot.
They again have problems with the union.

There is a strike.. things get very nasty. They helicopter in scabs to work the mines.. things get worse. There is violence. They fire the security people and bring in a private company and lower the amount of security around the mine. One crazy miner goes into the mines and plants a bomb.. 9 people are killed.

The CEO, a woman and the current CEO of the company, is being sued as being just as responsable as the guy that planted the bomb as she allowed the violence to escalate and didn't augment security when it was really needed. She has also angered many people by not wanting to shut the mine down temporarily after the incident.

They go broke.. Well.. she has received 1.75 million a year since she's been there.. but that money is of course safe!


They invest in another mine.. I guess it is true that she can sell ice to the eskimoes because she manages to get more money.

This time around they again have problems with the union. When gold prices fall.. they close the mine. They leave it 600 million in debt. They also leave a huge amount of arsenic trioxide to clean up.. it can cost anywhere form 500 million to over a billion dollars to clean.

They have also been fined several times for polluting.

-hijack: One engineer said it was the first place he ever worked where he was obliged
to bring his own pencil from home to work. /hijack

Even though they knew they were in trouble.. they decided to not put the money they should have into the worker's retirement plan.. instead they re-invested it into their own company... so not only have they gone bankrupt but now workers have lost 25% of their retirement money. Don't these guys have one moral bone in their bodies?
There's more.. but too long to add here... so


Now they are here.

They have changed their company's name. They use hotmail as their email address! (What?.. that just sounds so professional, don't you think? ) and their CEO has changed her name and is using her maiden name now! I guess she really doesn't want anyone to confuse her with the other "CEO" from that "other company".

Donald has been keeping my up-to-date on how lovely they are. They are not too happy about Hyrdro-Québec. We don't have any competitors here for electricity.. it's Hydro-Québec or it's nothing. Donald says they are quite angry because they think it is way too expensive.. and told him our government was Communist. lol!

anyways.. enough rambling for now.

Tuesday, September 28, 2004

I could use a hug

Today started off pretty normally.. nothing special. I had a few discussions for upcoming jobs.. designing some tickets for a drawing for a trip to Puerto Vaillarta. and also a concept/tickets/hall decor and menu for a St-Valentines day fundraiser. I was happy about's not alot of money but it is money for something I enjoy doing.

Later on in the afternoon, took a walk in the woods and took a few photographs.

So I come home and check on Worth1000... see if anyone has done the Worth crossword puzzle I have made. It is not a huge success, but that's alright.. it was a crazy idea I came up with and was fun to do. After Worth I check out Artalyst. It's a site where people put up their images for comments and critiques.. and it is generally a sharing community. There is one guy though.. that just hates my guts.. I don't know why. I guess he just hates my face or something.

He has re-commented on a previous image that he has already commented on (okay this image could use some work but that is not what he is telling me about) The image is of an North American Indian doing a dance at a POWWOW. This was held in our town for the first time this summer. It was pretty cool. These different tribes get together and have these dance competitions in their native dress. These people are trying to keep their traditions alive. Anyways.. his first comment on the image was about the blurred background being too modern.. and the second comment is like i said - nice except for the " this is how they used to be but now they are tamed " kind of thing...What? I know he is just egging me on and wants to tell him to shut up his big fat racist mouth.... but that is the kind of thing he enjoys.. so I haven't said anything.

I go to another comment and here is what he has to say.. something along the lines of .. you used to do good work..but what you put up now is not good anymore. You are pretentious and trying desperately to put anything up.. blah.. blah.. then he adds a comment on my latest image under this image. About putting up a mallard duck just doesn't do anything for him.

This is not the first time he has come at me.. it is actually the third time.
Anyone that knows me.. I 'm far from being a trouble maker. I'm a gentle soul and even often too soft and forgiving. I have a friend that tells me: Maggie .. you should be like a good french bread.. nice and soft inside.. but with a thin hard crust on the exterior to protect yourself. Easier said than done.

I can admit my photographs aren't the best.. they aren't crap either. I 'm just learning and trying to figure it out as I go along. I don't mind someone saying.. you should change your crop.. or try a different perspective. Sometimes I agree, sometimes I don't but at least those critiques are constructive. How is making me feel like a piece of crap going to do me any good. So.. now besides feeling hurt .. I am mad at myself for letting a jerk like this bring me to tears.

Sylvain isn't here.. won't be until between 11:00 and midnight. I could really use a hug.

Friday, September 24, 2004

Duck Dive

I took this picture today and just thought it was funny, hope it makes you smile too! :)

almost over before it began

This turned out much longer than I expected, but there was just so much to tell.

yesterday I started what was supposed to be a job doing translations for a mining company. There is a mine in our town (an open pit mine) which was on the brink of bankruptcy and were bought out by these guys that only speak English. One is from Ontario and the others are from the U.S.

They asked Donald, a friend of mine, if he knew anyone who could speak and write both English and French.. Well.. seems I'm the only one he knows that can do that. You have to understand that where I live it is almost completely French. Although Canada is supposed to be bilingual, most people aren't. And in Québec, if you are not in Montreal, you have a very low percentage of people who are truly bilingual. Most French people are separatists who wish to cut away from Canada and be a distinct society on their own. I'm not one of them, but that's a different story.

Anyways, under the impression that I'm going to be doing translation of documents etc., I get there, and instead of going to the main office, where Donald works, these guys are crammed into a tiny little room, smaller than my livingroom.

First thing that happens is that I get introduced to them all, one by one.

Paul is a geologist from Ste-Thérèse and he speaks only French.

Jerry, very high-strung nervous and can't put a whole sentence together because of it, is their P.R. guy. I always thought if you were in P.R. it would take a calm person with lots of charisma, apparently not.

John is from Washington and is the president's husband. Her name is Peggy and she is not there today. He is a mumbler. You just want to scream: "Articulate!".

Dwayne is from the States but I'm not sure exactly from where.. but I am sure that you could use a bit more "umph" when shaking hands. I was almost worried I might crush HIS hand.

One thing I am sure of is that these guys are mining engineers.. they sound dimwitted because they lack any speaking skills or any social skills at all. Their brains have little wheels rolling around but are not able to spit out more than a word here or there. There are surely some mining egineers out there that sound like actual human-beings.. but to-date I haven't met one. They also lack any sense of humor.

Anyways... they offer me a certain amount of money, I'm shocked.. it's way too low.. I come back with an counter-offer of less than I actually wanted. I spurt out 2.00$ an hour more than he is offering and just want to kick myself in the shins for not asking for more. Now some of you may think I'm being greedy, but he literally offered me about 2.00 more than minumum wage. Even with the 2.00 more I want.. he hesitates.. and says he has to ask Dwayne. Leaves, comes back and it's a go.

So.. they have the union's agreement with the employees of the former mine to translate.. fine. But they don't really want me to translate it. That would take too much time and cost too much. So they want me to do a "Babel Fish" translation.. 150 words at a time.. cut and paste..doesn't matter about certain words not fitting in the context.. they don't care.. just back and forth. Now I'm feeling like a monkey, because this is extremely monotonous work.. zzzz...zzzz....zzzzzz....zzzz

Perhaps now is a good time to put you at the scene of where I'm working. I'm not working in the office building. They have decided they are not sure if they want to keep that building. The only person that is working there at the moment is Donald. There are about 15 offices up there with not a soul working in them. Donald is there because he has special lab equipment and they cannot move now because they don't have any place for it.

So.. I'm in an office that has literally 6-7 desks in it,(hard to tell beneath the mess of papers and dust) They don't really have a place for me to sit down, or a proper computer for me to work on .. so I'm going to work on Jerry's computer and he is going to interrupt me often to check emails and stuff. Every 10 minutes, he asks.. where are you up to now.. what page? He is quite nervous and fidgety.

It's lunchtime, Donald calls and says to come and have lunch with him .. there is an employees room at the "real" office.. we will sit and talk and have lunch.

Oh, I almost forgot this little tidbit... at the little office, where my millionaire mining guys are .. there is no bathroom nor plumbing at all. If you have to go, you jump into a huge mining truck.. because you don't bring your own vehicule into the mining area.. and you run up to the main office where they do have bathrooms.

I do go, but need to borrow a flashlight from Donald. These guys have decided they are going to save on electricity.. so they have closed breakers.. so even if you want to turn on the lights. you can't.

Are you starting to get a feel for how wonderful a place this is.

Now. Donald brings me around the main office.. with all these beautiful empty offices that we could all be using. Pretty desks in a variety of tasteful colors... no computers but I don't know why at the moment.

These guys have closed all the breakers there except for the two rooms that Donald uses.

Before going back to the dusty hovel, Donald, who by the way has no idea that they are not making me do traditional translation, says.. Maggie I need an ink-cartridge. He has a special printer that is very large so he can print out some sort of mapping that he does of the mine territory. He does some sort of environmental work.. and does lab tests for contaminants etc., They would probably like to get rid of Donald, but the law in Quebec forces you to have such a person in your employment if you are running a mine.. and there are very few people who do what he does.. anyways.. Could I ask them to give him an ink cartridge please. No problem, Donald.. I'll get you your cartridge.

Just before leaving, our mumbler, John, I believe, comes to see Donald about a certain plan. Donald shows him what he has been working on and shows him a particular part where there should be a fan.. and the water passes here before going to another place where it is cleaned.. ok.. he says to Donald, ah! we can just dump the water. Donald looks at him and says: You are talking to the green police. This guy lifts his wrists together as in saying "Cuff Me". So Donald goes on to tell him that he has to clean the water, we cannot put this polluted water back into the town's system.. See now this guy mutters something back like.. well the town has to clean it anyways so let them do it. What he doesn't realize is we have spring water here.. the water from the mine will go to a lake where people go swimming. It doesn't have to be filtered by the town.

These guys like cutting corners.. alot.

Then he says he needs certain licenses from the town to do his construction but he doesn't want to pay for a a real plan.. he wants to pay like 100$ for a quickly drawn rectangle with little circles that will indicate about where the equipment will go. So Donald, I can just see his face trying not to crack up.. telling him that won't just won't do.

So anyways.. I go back to the depressing miserable room I have been set up in.. and bring along the cartridge.

Now comes more comedy.

So I ask for a cartridge for Donald, they can't find one.. so Dwayne..our limp-handed genius says.. well tell him to use another printer. I explain to him that he can't that his printer is a large format and he can't use another printer. So Jerry says to Dwayne.. well.. I guess we have no choice.. we'll have to buy him one.

I'm amazed .. but still holding it together.

So he calls Donald to find out where they buy their ink. Papeterie Commerciale. Fine. Jerry won't let Donald get the ink before knowing how much it costs.

Turns out it is 39.99 plus tax something like 46.00. While on the phone, the company I'm talking to used to supply the former mine in office supplies so you can see she is anxious to do business.. she says. Could we come over and drop off some catalogs and talk about opening an account. So I ask Jerry and he lunges for the phone ( I tell you .. he is a meltdown waiting to happen) He starts talking to the girl saying send me a fax for the account opening. The girl is struggling with her English.. but he won't pass me the phone.

He hangs up. He then says: call Walmart.. check their price.

Walmart is a retailer and will be a bit more expensive even as cheap as they are..but ok, I'll call them. Of course they come back with 40.95 plus tax.. which is more than a dollar more expensive. Now, nervous jerryervous.. says call her back.. tell her to send the fax to open the account.

Fine. I call her back.. I'm embarrassed.. she's laughing.. saying the fax has been sent.. I can hear the fax 's beeboops in the background while I'm talking to her. I say I'm sorry and will get back to her.

He says, call her back, ask her is they can open a temporary 30 day credit. I call her back. She must think I'm nuts.. I tell her, I'm sorry but since I've just started and things aren't really set up yet, could she do this.. she very calmly says, Why of course... I can feel her smiling. (She should be their P.R. guy!) We'll make the bill out now and leave it at the cash for your employee to pick up.

Jerry now looks at the form he has received by fax for the account opening. It is three pages long. It asks for company name, address. bank. shareholder names, social insurance numbers. etc.,

He makes me put the name of the company and address and send it back. No other details. He says: they'll do it our way or we'll go with someone else; no compromise. yikes!

Great. I send back the fax but their fax is busy. You can hear the operator saying "the line is busy.. blah, blah, blah!" but it's in French right.. so he starts yelling.. you put in the wrong number... and starts pressing all sorts of buttons on the fax machine. I'm starting to wonder if this is either an episode of Twilight Zone or of Candid Camera.. this guy cannot be for real. He's nuts!

So he makes me send it again. They will receive it twice. I am imagining the girls there .. laughing and slapping their thighs. Ridiculous.

now as if the day wasn't entertaining enough.. he has some translation for me to do.. for real this time. No babel fish.. Great..

He makes me put on a heavy sweater and brings me into an unheated warehouse that has a ciment floor and perhaps 30 filing cabinets all in a row.. and on the other side are a bunch of really great looking computers and monitors.

Now he has no idea what is in the filing cabinets.. because he can't read French.. so he expects me to spend a good part of the next 3 weeks working in this warehouse .. wearing a winter jacket if I need it, and labeling the files. I don't think so buddy.

Anways .. to not drag on this horror story any longer. I didn't want to say anything to him right there because, honestly, I was a little afraid of his reaction. So I called Donald and told him to come to my house the next morning on his way to work and pick up my invoice and a little letter I wrote them.

I could have written down in the letter how very terrible I thought it would be to work for them. That they were crazy etc., A take your job and shove it letter.. but I didn't want to jeopardize anything for Donald, who works in this own office and really doesn't have to deal with their craziness too much.

I wrote something along the lines of : As you know I am an artist and it had been several years I hadn't worked in an office and today reminded me why.. It was much too monotonous for a creative person as myself. The bill for my services are enclosed and I hoped their project was profitable ... blah, blah..
cordially yours, Maggie.

Sadly these guys complain that their hotel rooms where they are staying are much too expensive (they share rooms -50$ a night.. that would be about 35 US) They discussed bringing sleeping bags and sleeping in the empty offices in the main building. At least there, if they have to pee at night, there are actual bathrooms.. as long as they have a flashlight to get there. It is hard for me to comprehend being millionaires and being SO stingy. Every nickle .. every dime. Jerry actually showed me pens and pencils in a box and said specifically.. these office supplies.. if you want a pen or something .. you ask me first. Frankly, I would rather not have money if it makes you that crazy.