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Monday, November 08, 2004

take my place

Well.. Seems someone where Sylvain works is leaving and they are all going to the restaurant for her farewell supper...Saturday evening. As much as I dread this, yes, I'm expected to be there!

I am already imagining it. It 's easy.. we already go to their summer party and then the Xmas one.. so .. let's just say it's boring for me.

As this is a farewell supper.. there will probably be speeches and thank-you's. This might be touching to me if I knew the person concerned.. but she's a stranger. They are all.. Oh.. I dread this so much.

Anyone want to take my place? Seems the food will be good! (little consolation)


Israel Derdik said... Reply to comment

Spouses shouldn't do that to spouses. Sounds like the perfect occasion for a twisted ankle or terrible cold or ruptured appendix or something. Or you can trade "Dont make me come to this and you can have 3 plays off."

Galoot said... Reply to comment

You have until Saturday to find a buyer through eBay who will go in your place.