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Sunday, November 14, 2004


I'm just so angry with myself.

I am in the team H2H tournament contest and I have let
my team down.

A few days ago I came here and talked all about the
team photo tournament I was taking part of and how my
photo shoot really turned into a disaster. I had another
idea.. but when I tried to get it to work.. it was not
quite as spectacular as I hoped for. Finally, I got a third idea..
that was much simpler but could give wonderful
results. I only had to get the material.

Today, I walked for about 1 hour to get what I needed.. to come
home and find that the submit date was last night.

In my mind, the contest started Monday night.. like last time. This does not excuse me in any way. I feel terrible.

Although there are 9 members on our team.. only 3 submitted. We have only done 2 rounds so far.. and both times, I was our team's highest scorer..coming in 2nd and 1st, consecutively. I'm pretty sure our team leader was expecting me to enter a photo, not necessarily a winner, but not crap either, but one that would at least help keep our score up.

What really bothers me is that each team needs a minimum of 4 entries or else the team is disqualified from that round. So by not entering, everyone else's work was for nothing.

I'm so, so sorry. I just want to cry. :(


Heather said... Reply to comment

Awwww don't feel bad Eury!
It's all in fun and your teammates know that.

Speaking from experience, a team leader always needs to have a backup ready. (Remember the PS tourney? - whoo weee) Real life has a funny way of cropping up.

The real shame is not getting to see another beautiful picture by you.

CynLynn said... Reply to comment

Maggie, please don't worry for I'm certain that everyone understands. Life has a way of interfering with our online fun, doesn't it?

{{{Hugs for Maggie}}}