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Wednesday, December 01, 2004

putting things into perspective

Normally, tonight, I would have had a rehearsal. I was wondering how it would unfold because of last's night events.

Today, during lunch hour my dad had a mild stroke. I guess that puts last night's events a bit more into perspective. It was maddening but not the end of the world.

His girlfriend called me and said.. something is wrong with your dad. I had spoken to him earlier and he seemed just fine.. so I was surprised but went over to see him. Well.. he couldn't speak except to say the word no! .. I tried to get him to put a coat on and bring him to the hospital.. but he wouldn't let me.. so I called an ambulance.

When we arrived at the hospital.. he couldn't speak and he was slightly confused but he pretty much understood what was going on. Slowly during the afternoon, he started to regain his speech, although partially. He had a scan and it revealed that the stroke was mild... it also revealed that he already had a a mild stroke before but they couldn't tell how long ago.

He was tired.. so I came home close to 4 o'clock. I went back around 6:30 and he was feeling much better. How do I put this nicely.. my dad is not the easiest person.. and was irritated that he hadn't eaten yet.. and sort of yelled at me. I figure if he has the strength to be mean.. he probably is feeling alot better.

Anways.. they will keep him at the hospital for a few days, they want to have a therapist work with him to help him regain his speech.

My mom died over 20 years ago and my dad has lived on his own since then.. but we may soon have to think about if he should live in some sort of assisted living community. He is not very young. When my dad got married.. he was already almost 40 years old, so he is in his 80's now.


and for some odd reason, Norrit started a thread in the Sugar Shack.. about me, and several people added to it. I have absolutely no idea why, hopefully it's not because I'm sad case.. but I must say.. on a day like today, it was just so refreshingly nice.. to have something good like that happen. It was like getting a huge hug.