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Monday, November 22, 2004

Concept accepted.

It was this morning that I presented my St. Valentine's Day concept. The meeting was a casual breakfast meeting in a nice hotel. We had a separate room for the meeting and ate beforehand.

You just never know how these things will go since there is a committee and everyone has to like what you are presenting. I have done work for these people before and never really had a problem but there is always that moment of doubt; will they like what I'm putting on the table? Yes, I do realize if they don't like it that it is not a reflection on me as a person.. but as a creator of things, it is sometimes hard to discriminate between the two.

I'm happy to say they were very enchanted by the concept (actually, they were thrilled) and the whole evening will be pulled together with the tuxedo theme. I will be making tickets, menus and programs all in the same style. I'm very pleased !


CynLynn said... Reply to comment

Congratulations! That's wonderful, Maggie. Also, I love the wedding album artwork.