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Friday, October 15, 2004


Ah.. this evening I listened to Radio Enigma.. I was looking for Cynlynn's show because I had missed it earlier this week.. anways..

There was some music on.. rockabilly sort of music.. it was pretty good but quite old.. and sounded like it was playing on out of a tin can.

The song ends.

The DJ starts tapping the microphone.. Is this thing on??

now comes his little speech: (not exactly verbatim.. but close!)

Well, I guess alot of you have wondered where I have been the last weeks.. well. I was in the slammer. Yes. In jail.

Well as much as I don't want to talk about it, I feel I have to so I was in jail because of my friend ratting me out. You hear me.. if you are out there and you hear me ... I'm gonna ta get you!

He continues....

So you want to know why I was in prison. Well because I put my bathtub on my front lawn and put my GMC truck engine in it.

When we moved here we had no idea this place was going to be so "high falutin" and that we wouldn't be able to leave our bathtub with my GMC motor in it.

Well, my friend (so and so) ratted me out and went to he commission and told them. I'm going ta get you, I'm going ta get you good!

So 'cause I couldn't pay the fine.. they put me in jail. Mildred finally came and paid and I got out. I was in there for 5 weeks. The fine was $46.- .. but I'm not bitter, I learned alot about myself in the can.

Tap, Tap on the microphone.. Is this thing still on?

:D Hilarious!

Cyn.. thanks for the link to this station. It was so funny. Even better than your redneck bar!



CynLynn said... Reply to comment

Oh, that was Elmer Gibbons. Yes, he's funny. Glad you liked it although I've never listened to it. Bad bad me. ;)