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Friday, October 29, 2004


Today is the 29th, but here in my little town the children will be passing Halloween. I find it too bad that they don't pass on Halloween night.. on the 31st. So what if there is school the next day.. that is part of the fun. You come home.. all hyper .. rifle through your loot, eat too much.. and as soon as you hit the pillow you fall fast asleep. Ah.. the good old days.

When I was young, there was this very nice .. but very, very old lady that lived on a second floor and she would bring us into her kitchen where she had all her kitchen counters filled with bowls of homemade candies. She also had a bowl of apples that was pretty full.. nobody wanted to deprive her of her daily fruit. Today, sadly, all here delicious home-made concoctions were be thrown in the trash by wary parents. Ah.. the good old days.

One year, when Simon was very young, he went out as a gypsy. Well, everyone kept on saying.. "oh, you have such a beautiful little girl".. obviously he wasn't very happy about that.. "I'm not a girl! " . Next day, he went into the bathroom with scissors and cut his long eyelashes. Remember the expression, you shouldn't play around with that .. you could poke your eye out.. where here it applied!

I have a picture somewhere of me when I was quite young going out for halloween with my dad who is dressed up in drag.. although he was a handsome man, he was an very ugly woman. I'll try and find it and post it here!

Well, I looked and didn't find it.. I guess it is at my dad's house. I don't remember if I had it or it was still there.. but I did find this photograph of me when I'm about 2.. so that's what I 'll share instead. It's a little grainy because I made it enlarged it a bit.


CynLynn said... Reply to comment

Awwww. You were so cute.

Also, the photos you took were beautiful. I wanted to comment on them here (instead of there because you might miss my comment).

Also, thank you for the sweet words you wrote in the Worth thread. Thank you, too, arsi. ;)