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Wednesday, October 27, 2004

Foggy Morning

Usual after rehearsals I go out with friends to the restaurant.. we usually have coffee or tea or something to eat.

Tonight, instead, I was hoping to perhaps take a few pictures of the halloween decorations on the streets. It didn't go as well as I hoped.. hindered by the fact that I'm walking with a camera and a camera case and a binder with my music and a water bottle.. doubled by the effect that I walked with James who lives close to where I live .. and he is about 6'3" or something.. so you can imagine he is a real daddy-long legs.. so we don't have quite the same stride.. He's strolling along and I feel like the little japanese girl behind her master trying to play catch up with several quick tiny steps.. (Ok, well not quite but you get my drift :P )

So.. I came home with no photos.. but the fresh air helps get rid of a headache I had since the afternoon. I feel much better now!

So, I'm home early!!!

I took a picture outside early this morning to show how unpredictable our weather is.. remember the gorgeous red sky the other morning.. this morning was very foggy.
I should also tell you that I am half-dressed at this moment.. but I don't want to really get dressed because as my luck would have it, I would find the fog already gone.. so braving the cold just for you guys.. here you go:

here you go:

When I enter the house and download the pictures.. I notice that "hey the next door neighbour kids were sitting there waiting for their bus.. Funny.. I didn't notice them.. and usually when they see me.. they come running over.. and are all chatty...

Just to show you that it really was quite cold.. here is a beginning of a spider web that was on the bannister this morning.. There were only two long lines.. I think the spider thought it might have been too cold and gave up... ;) Yes.. that is ice on the one spider string.

Did I mention I wasn't wearing any shoes or socks?

anyways.. later on I had errands to run and I had to go meet some costume rental people for medieval costumes... to see what we can arrange. The fog is gone and the weather is beautiful.. and this is what I see next door..

Yes.. last night my neighbours put up some Halloween decorations including these very unchatty little scarecrows. Ha! They pulled my leg without even trying. Anyways, I thought it was funny so I had to take the picture.


Eury said... Reply to comment

da shibbit.. I've never heard that expression.. taking out my slang definition book.. nope in there.. por favor.. what's it mean?