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Thursday, October 21, 2004


Our rehearsal last night was really alot of fun. We are really still in the first stages but it's already a blast. I may have already mentionned that the piece moves between the future and the past.. as does the music. Last night we worked on parts that were for the incantations and magic spells.. so you can imagine the eerie kind of singing going on .. about black magic and white magic or somewhere in between.. of course we will have our brew..

our ingredients:
- the pearl drop from a sweaty brow
- a tiny drop of blood
- a rare hair from a shiny bald head
- a large front tooth
- the teardrop of the youngest baby
- the spit off a dripping chin
- the bloody head of a hog (this one gets into all our productions, it's our mascot)
- thirty pieces of gold and silver
- and finally the soft kiss of 2 lovers.

We even call on the planets with the help of a Wizard.

We call on Mars and it's red waters, Jupiter and it's cyclonic eye, the Moon with it's double whiteness and Pluto and it's far away coldness to help us to invoke the Creator of all living things.

We now turn to doing this awesome gregorian chant..(I'm sure you've heard that in scary movies) and we will be doing something that ressembles Tai-Chi movements (as a group) while we sing. This part will obviously be one of the high points of the piece.

When you get home after that you just cannot sleep.. You are just so energized.
Right now we are just learning the basics.. by the time we get to next summer.. we will be rehearsing on stage. We will also have 2 weeks of intense rehearsals everyday. When we are finished rehearsals .. people are so full of energy.. we go out.. we go to restaurants.. go dancing.. whatever.. We are all just so hyped.