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Thursday, April 14, 2005

mundane stuff

I don't know why but Tueday night I went to bed but didn't sleep.. my eyes were closed, my body was laying horizontally.. but I was awake... I kept opening my eyes, and checking what time it was. Yesterday morning when I got up I felt like I should be going to bed.. I felt pooped.

I had rehearsals last night like every Wednesday.. as usual.. you get a burst of energy.. and while I was there I felt really fabulous, when I got home I was still up on the adrenaline. When I finally did hit the pillow though.. I was a goner. Slept very very deeply... and today feel great! :)

Last night at rehearsals we had 2 new-comers.. Hugo, whom I already know and a new girl called Patricia. She seems to learn extremely fast and was completely at ease with everyone right off the bat. Ah.. I remember when I first started.. how shy I was... I had joined and had never done anything like it before and was very intimidated by it all.. I didn't know how to read music so it was all up to my little ears to figure it all out.. So very different from this girl... I think she has certainly done this before.. anyways.. she fit right in, as if she had always been a part of the troupe.

As for Hugo, well, he sang with us before but when his boyfriend, Yvon decided he wouldn't be singing with us anymore.. then Hugo wasn't allowed to sing with us either. I always felt bad for Hugo.. he's the sweetest kid and he would do everything for Yvon. Yvon would always put him down... even in front of other people, so I can't imagine how bad it could have gotten at home. I sang for awhile with a small ensemble that did pop songs that Yvon had organized but I left because I thought Yvon was mean and spiteful and I didn't like being around someone like that. Anyways.. a few weeks ago.. they broke up.. Hugo leaving Yvon. So Hugo has decided to come back and sing with us!

Ok.. enough gossiping! lol