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Wednesday, April 06, 2005


Oh, I hoped to not have to whine anymore, but I`m very frustrated with my dad. He finally got out of the hospital on Monday. Before leaving he had an X-ray to take and a chest exam.
Yesterday, he was already complaining about the new pills they were giving him, because they changed the prescription and now he had to pay for new ones and the other ones were wasted, if you want. I understand his point of view.. but the fact that he has new pills for his lungs.. may be causing an interaction with his other pills, but it`s like talking a to a brick wall..

This morning he had to see the lung specialist about his tests.. he was being a jerk and pretty much told the doctor off, said that they aren`t doing any for him and he didn`t need his help.

Now a worker from the CLSC called me so I can tell him that a nurse will be coming to see him once a week to take a blood sample, listen to his chest and take his blood pressure... only for a few weeks to make sure he is ok.. and so he doesn`t have to go to the hospital.
Well.. he was very upset, doesn`t want anyone to come.. complained and said he wasn`t going to open the door and then yells at me as if it were my fault.

I swear, he`s going to drive me nuts. I would not take this sort of guff from anyone but my dad.. and he knows that I think. Telling this man to chill out, as ELB has suggested to me, just won`t work.. it will just make him angrier..

Anyways... just needed to get that off my chest. He always says to me `you`re just like your mother` ... he doesn`t say it as a compliment..he means, I`m too sensitive.. not hard enough.. but for me, it is a compliment.. because I don`t ever want to be like he is.