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Wednesday, April 06, 2005

ah.. Wednesday

Wednesday, may very well be my favorite day of the week. Today especially... with all the stuff with my dad going on, it feels so good to go somewhere and be so occupied and concentrated on doing something that you are completely in another space and don't have a minute to think or worry about other things.

Since last week, we are no longer doing ateliers and James is so amazing, pushing us to be better and better. There are so many very fast and energetic pieces, you practically get a workout.

Tonight some reporter came by and taped us and filmed a bit of us practicing. Normally you would think that would be extremely distracting but we were all so concentrated on James and into his movements for harsh.. soft.. majestic.. mysterious.. whatever he wanted that we totally forgot she was there. No wonder I can leave my troubles at the door when I arrive there. I always leave with a natural "high".