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Thursday, December 02, 2004

the apology

James called me. He was inquiring about how my dad was doing and then slithered the conversation over to what happened at the meeting. He gave me a half-assed apology along the lines of: I'm sorry it happened but it was not my fault and blamed someone else. She on the other hand blamed him.

As I look back on that evening and the little subtle things that happened, I know for certain that both he and the president knew and were just too chicken to tell me, leaving me in a awkward and embarrassing situation. It just shouldn't have happened.

I think you can tell alot about a person by how they own up to things and this tells me alot.

Anyways, I'm not a very vindictive person. I think this piece is amazing and I want to be part of it..I will still sing in it.. and I will still help paint sets etc., because I want the production to be a huge success. I actually like the new director and his set/costume designer and they have no fault here. It would be easy to make them the target, but why? They were not the ones that were dishonest or not forthright with me.

I did let James know though, that I was very disappointed because I deserved better, not only did I do alot of work for nothing.. but I didn't like having to feel like a fool. I didn't scream at him, I just simply told him .. how it made me feel. I could feel his embarrassment through the phone... at least it was not in front of a whole bunch of people; I wouldn't do that.


CynLynn said... Reply to comment

Wow, Maggie. I've missed a lot of the recent events in your life. I regret that I've not read your blog in a few days. (I haven't read anyone's in a few days.)

First, I'm sorry to hear about your dad, and I hope things will improve with his health.

Second, you handled yourself very well at the production meeting. I admire your dedication to the entire production, and I firmly believe all this will work to your advantage in the future. I really do. :-)

Third, I understand so well your post about putting yourself in a jar. I've found over the course of my own lifetime that I've 'emerged from the jar' (at times, almost entirely), only to return and 'stuff myself back into it completely' at other times -- occasionally for years at a stretch.

However, the older I become, the more unwilling I am to remain inside there.