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Wednesday, February 02, 2005

tonight's rehearsals

Tonights rehearsals went well. We stayed a half hour later than usual, but it is true what they say: when you are having fun, time flies. It is really starting to look like something. We have a long way to go but we can already see the parts starting to fit together. It is quite exciting.

Tonight, we had a few musicians in to work with us instead of just the piano. It was pretty wild for awhile because we were so pumped up listening to the music that the first time around we heard it, everyone was entering in the wrong places.

Progressively we will have more and more music to work around instead of the "ucky" midi files that were given to us if we want to practice at home. They are really horrible... someone has to learn about sound fonts and how good even computer music can sound.

There is nothing, though, that can compare to live music. There is a part where Suzanne plays a synthesizer to mimic computer-games style music and Sylviu is playing the alto violin at the same time. Everyone was just mesmerized, it was so beautiful.

Éliane was there to do her solo.. and there was a duo to be done by Luc and Roxanne. Well, neither Luc nor Roxanne could be there so Vincent sang Luc's part and James, our musical director sang her part. The song is supposed to be romantic but was so funny. Vincent has long hair but wears it up in a ponytail very high on his head like a samurai, he has several piercings and has a beard and James has shorter hair but also has a beard and was singing falsetto .. which sounded pretty horrible let me tell you. Ah!... It was great fun! :)