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Friday, February 04, 2005

the bug!

Sylvain has had a bad cold for a week now. I have been trying desperately not to catch it... I DO NOT want to be sick.

Today, I started to feel scratching in my throat and shivery and goosebumpy! I'm not a happy camper :-(

If anyone has any magic they can send to prevent this from happening.. I beg of you.. send it now!


CynLynn said... Reply to comment

I'm sorry to hear that Sylvain is ill. Colds are so uncomfortable, and I'm sure that a cold doesn't help your singing voice!

Vitamin C (tablets or juice), Echinacea (an herb in tablet form) and Zinc (a mineral) seem to work wonders.

You could try these three things. Might help.

Eury said... Reply to comment

Thanks, Cyn.. actually Sylvain is starting to feel much better and is sort of smirking at me because I'm going downhill.. and he knows how much I wanted to avoid getting his he thinks it's funny!

I've tried echinachea before, but zinc is a new one.. I think I 'll try it.. thanks for the advice!