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Monday, February 07, 2005

It got a hold of me

Well, as much as I tried to avoid it, the cold I was trying to avoid got it's grippe(sic) on me. I felt too awful to go get (as Cyn suggested) Zinc tablets but took another friend's suggestion of a hot bowl of chicken soup.. and went to bed.

I spent the weekend under covers and when awake watching the tube. I do remember watching 'School of Rock' but not much else.

This morning I woke up groggy, achy and feeling very ucky and dirty. I felt like someone who had been binge drinking in a bar.. got into a brawl, got spit at and thrown into the gutter and left there for the night. I looked that way too. After a long hot shower I'm feeling a little more human, don't look very hot but at least I smell good.


Bray said... Reply to comment

-sending digital antibodies to Quebec-

Yeah, much as I love winter (which surprisingly is less and less, the deeper we get into it), cold season is not pleasant in the least. I just got over a bit of a bug. Best remedy: Big big quilts, Nyquil and you favorite movie.

Hope you get better, Maggie!