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Thursday, January 13, 2005

thank you

Worth has been and still is a very special place to me. The people who visit this blog are all Worthers.

To all of you,

To those who have laughed with me with me when I did or said something stupid, that cheered me on and supported me with my projects, that stopped by for virtual stuffed peppers and apple pie but most of all to all of those of you that have held both my hand and my heart when I was feeling down and hurt

To Arsi, Heather, Nicki, CynLynn, Kim, Los, Elbradenabra, MeanMrMustard, iZ and Galoot
I want to say, from the bottom of my heart

Thank you!


CynLynn said... Reply to comment

No, thank you, Maggie. :-)

Galoot said... Reply to comment

I don't read your blog. I just happened to click on the "Next Blog" button up top there once.

Eury said... Reply to comment

lol... thanks for pointing out that Next Blog button.. never noticed it before