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Tuesday, January 11, 2005


Last spring, Arsi began making his now famous Arsitars. He had already done a few and they were lovely. Someone started a thread in the Sugar Shack and soon people were begging Arsi for one. Of course, everybody wanted one. People were offering special favors... mostly camping favors. I remember Storminatrix offered the following: "Arsi, I'm really good at camping. We've got lots of spiders and snakes here... I'm really good at sucking out the poison too! :D"

Sure, I wanted one too... they were wonderful. I knew there wasn't a snowball's chance in hell that I would just receive one out of the blue...heck, he probably didn't even know who I was.. heck, how could he? I wasn't exactly advertising myself in the forums.

I got brave and followed with my own post. No, no poison sucking here, but if I went camping I would bring Tim Horton's donuts. To my surprise, he replied to my post saying that would do just fine. Man, I felt so lucky!

I was very happy about getting an Arsitar but when it finally arrived in an email... I was ecstatic to say the least. T'was a thing of beauty. He had made me looks so pretty, well, more than pretty... gorgeous. Hair all pulled up, luscious lips and huge doe eyes that batted softly and flirtatiously. It made me feel so good about myself.. made "me" feel pretty. I know it may sound shallow but things like that are important to a girl.

He wrote me something to the effect of: if you don't like it or want me to change something, let me know. What! Are you nuts!! It's beautiful, it's amazing. I'll wear it with pride.. Don't you dare change a thing!!

Keep your cowbells, your orange crates and your kitty cats... I'm not changing my Arsitar for anything.

Some gifts can not be bought.. this is one of them. :)

Oh.. and Arsi.. if we ever do go camping... I still owe you those donuts. ;)


Heather said... Reply to comment

They are the ONLY avatars to have, I think.

Eury said... Reply to comment

At 3:08 AM, Heather said...

They are the ONLY avatars to have, I think.

You got that right! :)

CynLynn said... Reply to comment

Oh, me, too. I love my arsitar. :-)

Galoot said... Reply to comment

:( I had to suck poison for mine.

Eury said... Reply to comment

Go on, Galoot, admit it.. you loved it ;)