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Sunday, June 25, 2006

P & P (Pasta and Peonies)

I love pasta, especially fresh pasta. I don't know about where you live but fresh pasta is very expensive where I live. To wrap your head around the numbers a bit, a package of dried pasta of good quality is very inexpensive, 900gr (about 2lbs) for about 1.30 and fresh pasta runs for about 4.50 for 300-350gr... not even a pound!! I don't get it... they don't even have to dry it...and they sell it for about 10 times as much.

Anyways, my boyfriend and I have talked about trying to make some ourselves, not because of the cost, but just to see if it was hard to make and if it would taste good, (the price would be icing on the cake).

Well, yesterday we did... and it's so easy to make.

1 egg, 1 cup of flour, 1/2 tsp salt... and a couple tbsps of water if you need it.. you probably won't. that's it..

take a bowl, mix flour with salt, make a well, throw in the egg..and scramble with your fingers until all together. Knead a few minutes, roll out, cut and presto... almost instant homemade pasta: it is before cooking...(I made fettuccini) looks great doesn't it?:

This morning I took a few pictures of my peonies. They have just started blooming, and they are just so luscious I had to show you.

I can't help thinking of a remark Meowza made on some of my previous flowers... on how they looked good enough to eat. Well, these really do look so good, I think I could just put them on an icecream cone and take the biggest bite... they even smell good!


Anonymous said... Reply to comment

There are few things better than fresh pasta. My grandma always made her pastas from scratch, they are the *perfect* comfort food, I think. :)