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Sunday, June 11, 2006

dishes and stuff

Well, ELBradenabra posted a thread in the forum archiving members blogs. I think it's an awesome idea, and decided I wanted to participate. Heck, like the "Field of Dreams" people may actually come by.

Unlike everyone else, I did not post on June 10th, ... gah.. even Galoot said that everyone posted so they wouldn't look like total slackers!! Well, guess that makes me one!

Most of you know that my dad died this year. Well, my mom died oh..geez.. 23 years ago and she had some pretty dishes and stuff but nobody took anything ... simply because my dad was still alive and even though he might not use them ever, it just didn't feel right to have leave him with emptiness anywhere, when there was already this huge void in his life, losing his wife at such a young age.

Well, a couple of weeks ago, my brothers and I and their wives and kids all gathered and each took a few momentos. I wanted a few things that were my mom's. She had some nice cups and saucers that I just adored. I will probably never have occasion to drink out of such fancy cups and saucers, but she bought them on a trip to Germany and I always thought they were gorgeous.

Here is one of the sets... It's simply a small coffee cup (or tea) with a saucer and a cake plate. It's full of gold but somehow doesn't look in the least bit garrish... it's very art deco.. with it's black and gold design.

Another of the sets is a deep raspberry pink with gold stripes. It is also very much of the same style but not as sleek I guess, softer looking but still very gorgeous.

The third set is a round cup with flowers both on the inside and outside of the cup. This one is more feminine and soft looking with a very pretty handle.

Besides these cups and saucers, I didn't take very much. A nice tablecloth, simple yet summery and fresh looking and a crystal vase. I'm not sure exactly how old I was when my parents bought it while on vacation in Europe, but I remember distinctly always caressing the cut ridges with my fingertips... it fascinated me somehow... the feeling of it, the texture. I always loved that vase. Now, I am not the type of person that would go into a store looking for a crystal vase, it's just not my style, but this is different. It's nostalgic. Funny how the first thing I did when I saw the vase, that was up in one of the bedrooms, was to drag the tip of my finger down it, just like I used to do as a kid.

I filled her with lilacs, irises, bleeding hearts and a small of forget-me-nots. She's so beautiful.

And a closeup where you can see a bit of the cut ridges:

While I was at it I took some pics of my bleeding hearts.. they are spring flowers that are very typical here in the north. Further down south they would just wilt and disappear underground. These flowers are so pretty. They are a brilliant pink heart.. which opens up just like a small locket and appears to let drop a tear. If you look at them very closely, you can often see a drop of water in that white section.. which only goes to prove they really are crying. I've always loved these kinds of flowers.. swooping, swaying.. lilacs, daffodils, daisies, very friendly flowers. I know, that most people love tea roses and orchids, but I just prefer the more informal ones. I guess they ressemble me more, more my style.

I did however take a pic of roses. These are roses from my dad's funeral. I put them upside down and let them dry.


Besides that, well, I've been the shoulder for Carmen lately. Her husband left her several weeks ago and this week she just found out that he left her for a girl that was someone they had gone out with as 2 couples, someone who she entertained in her house, and a person who she told about what had happened when she met her at the grocery store...who held her and told it "I'm so sorry for you"... can you imagine?

She is so distraught. I wish I could do more for her, but all I can do is listen and try to keep her calm. I make her look at me.. and say... LOOK! I'm fine.. I'm better than ever! I was so broken up a year ago, I never thought I would be able to say those words, but I am much better, happier and stronger. She will be too, it 's just so hard for her to see right now.

I went to see her the other night, yes.. the night I should have blogged... (see, I have a great excuse ;-) ). She called and was really very upset. Her son was supposed to come to her after school and he never showed up. She then found out that not only did he not come over, but that the new-girlfriend had picked him up from school and brought him to her house. See, the thing is she has a boy that is the same age. They play soccer together, and this is actually how her husband and this woman met. Oh... she was a wreck. I stayed with her until she was calm and then got her to bed.

She's started smoking again, after having quit, gosh over 10 years ago... maybe even more. I didn't say anything though.. she's got enough on her mind.

Talking about smoking... my boyfriend sort of half-quit smoking on the weekend. He had no cigs and didn't smoke all weekend. It was a tough weekend, let me tell you. He actually physically was ill. I remember many years ago, when I used to smoke and I quit. Oh, it's over 10 years now and I don't even count how long ago it was anymore, but I never had a reaction like he did. I was tempted to smoke but I would just simply distract myself and I would be fine. I didn't get muscle pain, or stomach-ache etc., I don't know if he will tough out the no-smoking or not. It's just so hard... I know we all say 'cold-turkey' is the way to go... just don't take another and never turn back, but wow.. this was really not easy for him. He probably really needs some sort of help like a nicotine patch to help him get through as it just seems too difficult this way. Saturday he was very ansy without any and although Sunday was better, he was not feeling well all day long. Tomorrow is another day, a new day... whatever happens, I just want him to feel good again.

If you're from Worth and stopped by because of the thread, would be awesome if you left me a note! :-)


MeanMrMustard said... Reply to comment

I'm from Worth. I stopped by. But it had nothing to do with the thread. :)

Anonymous said... Reply to comment

Love the shots you took, those are lovely cup and saucers.

Anonymous said... Reply to comment

I'm from Worth and also stopped by and yes, it was the thread, and just wanted to say I love the lighting in your photographs. They are just beautiful.

And also don't know how you find the time to do this blog thing, your photography, painting, acting, Worth and Worth Administration and all the other stuff you do! Amazing. I take my hat off to you! I hardly have time for just my small participation in W1K!

Take care and keep it all up!

(aka kimbomac at Worth)

Anonymous said... Reply to comment

Hey Eury - great blog; great pics. Great idea that thread


Anonymous said... Reply to comment

Wow, eury... those photographs are just gorgeous! The sentiment behind each makes them even more special, I think.

Yes - I came by through the Worth thread, but I *have* popped over to your little corner before (linked from someone elses blog as I've blog surfed). I'm a quiet blog-reader most days, but I'll try to comment more. :)

Anonymous said... Reply to comment

Ah Eury, you have such a wonderful heart. I'm sorry for your loss.

I have some plates that were my mother's, and though she is still alive, I treasure them. They are no where as gorgeous as yours, but they hold such fond memories from childhood.

I hope the future is brighter for you, and thank you for sharing.


madame_ava said... Reply to comment

wow you're making my one photo and no comment blog look bad!!

Just kidding, dear. Lovely photos and what a nice rememberance of your mom and dad.