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Sunday, August 28, 2005

week of rehearsals

Mentally, I'm trying to keep positive and I want to thank all of you that left such kind and encouraging comments on my blog entries. It really does help to know that people care. Going to rehearsals has helped me too. Even though it's lots of work, it's just so good to be around people that I like and I feel like me. We are a touchy -feely kind of troupe.. so when we meet each night, there are no handshakes.. it's hugs and kisses all around. It feels so good to be held and fills you up with love.
Here's to (((((all of you))))) :-)

It has been quite a week. I've been to practice everyday and although I'm supposed to
sit down and rest when I'm tired.. I guess I'm a bit proud and just keep on going. I feel fine, although yesterday with 2 practices in one day, 1:30 to 4:30 and then 6:30 to 10:00, I felt pooped. We had this dance sequence to do and sing at the same time and we had to do it over, and over, and over and you guessed it, over again. I wish someone would have been here to rub my feet.. they felt like they might fall off. One consolation.. everyone was tired, so anemic or not, I didn't fare off worse than anyone else.

It still was a lot of fun. Today I have one more practice. It was supposed to be 2 like yesterday, but I think everyone has had a long week and the last rehearsal has been cancelled.

A few pics taken yesterday:

Matthieu just waiting for rehearsals to start:
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Here is a picture from ActIII, Philippe, who plays Captain Proton is being held prisoner with the other video heros on Bob the terrible's Pirate ship:
As you can see.. the ship for the moment is only masking tape on the ground:
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Here is Stéfane, the director and Bruno, the writer:
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A well deserved break:
Cute side-story note. See the guy sitting on the stage edge in shorts? That's Luc. Notice his legs. He's a volunteer firefighter in his sparetime. When I first met him several years ago, I was at his house waiting for Danielle, his wife, when he got home from a fire. He was as he is today in shorts. He had some soot on his legs and was going to take a shower. I looked at his legs and saw how he had no hair at all.. and came to the conclusion that they were singed off. They thought that was rather funny. Seems he just doesn't have hair on his legs at all!
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Eve: To pronounce it in French you must say it as if you were saying Every but cut off the ERY and you will have it perfectly. She's 18, a violinist and so pretty:
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Philippe explaining about sound resonance to Cynthia:
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Marcel plays the robot.. Here you can see him adding oil to his joints:
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Well, that's it for now.. I should have a shower and breakfast! Hope you enjoy the pictures.. I know they aren't very fancy.. no costumes, no decors and mostly off-scene.. but I still felt like sharing.


TotalChaos said... Reply to comment

Looks like everyone is having fun, and I know the need for rest in these endeavors. Take care of yourself also. As far as I'm concerned you have done a good job with these pictures. Always love candid shots.