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Wednesday, August 24, 2005


I thought I'd show you some pics I took during our rehearsals. I'm pretty tired after these 3 rehearsals... so I won't go into great detail.. but thought you might enjoy these.

To put this in context a bit.. the people you see here are characters in a video game. These are from a hero/quest type game.
This scene with the bard, the sire, the magician and the charming thief as they are all scrunched together as they hear a noise.. the noise is the very loud snoring of a messenger that has fallen asleep in the woods.

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Here you see a bit of relaxing during our break:

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From a different time frame.. here is the hero of a video game from the future. You see here Captain Proton.. and the bald headed robot and the Narrator.. she calculates the points that Captain Proton has made and how many monsters he has beaten etc.,

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Here you see Captain Proton and the robot.. preparing to save the planet and the citizens of the future.

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Advancing and still surveying for monsters and enemies.

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Captain Proton with his Pretty Lieutenant.. she obviously thinks he's pretty "hawt" and he thinks so too.. :-D :
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and Stéfane St-Jean, our director:
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that's all for tonight.. I need some sleep. I'll post more pics this week.