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Wednesday, September 15, 2004

preliminary sketches

Well.. I spend most of my day sketching.. costumes ideas.

Since I have a rehearsal tonight.. I thought I upload my sketches if anyone was interested.

The first sketch is just to situate myself in the story.. it takes place in the future.. author wants a tower to the right.. a huge planet to the left and a starry sky.. some sort of moonrocks laying around..

Scene 1

Now there is going to be some sort of a captain and his female lieutenant.. they are supposed to be wearing some sort of space costumes that match.

Remember.. preliminary!! lol!

So.. here they are:

The pair

I also need a robot.. to have him short and be able to look like his is hovering,
I have to have him sitting down... so his knees are going to take alot of space..
Marcel will be playing the robot.. and he shaves his head.. so :


I've started a few female citizens of the future:

First one

Second one

and a third

and further along in the act.. we see some medieval peasants
Only one sketch so far:

Hope you like them.


My mozilla crashed today... and when I reboot, I had a chdsk to do.. so I did.. and
well, wonderful Windows.. just truncated a bunch of stuff... (I must admit I wasn't really worried) but now I have lost all my bookmarks and much worse..all my mail - contacts.. the whole shebang. ... wonderful news isn't it..

I think I'm going to start writing all my email contacts down in a notepad.. not a virtual one.. a real one.. just like in the olden days ..Anyways.. Now I have a gmail account.

It is
or write to me here
Please if you are someone I know.. send me an email at gmail and I will try and recoup my list as best as I can. At the moment, I have to re-do all my configurations and preferences and fix everything to be able to receive mail in my home box.. won't have time right now.


CynLynn said... Reply to comment

I'm so impressed.

Designing the costumes must be so much fun and so rewarding.

I printed my Address Book one time in case of a crash, so I understand what you mean. Of course, that was a while ago, so I probably need to do it again. :-)