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Wednesday, September 22, 2004


This morning I got a call from, Donald, a friend of ours, asking me if I wanted an extra job for a couple of weeks.

The job is at a mine!! The mine has been bought by new people and they don't speak French and all the current employees don't speak English. So, he needs someone to find files for him, to go with him to pick up licenses etc., I would estimate that our town is 95% French ... so I really understand his need.

As many of you already know, I work freelance.. part-time and don't make alot of money.. but I'm almost as free as a bird, and keep whatever hours I like...but I really could use the extra money.

He wants me there tomorrow morning, bright and EARLY: 8AM.. lovely.. I can already hear the birds chirping! I'm imagining a boring grey office with no windows and lots of dust.. I hope I'm wrong.

More details when I have them.

Oh, I have no idea if there is any internet.. I would hope so, but don't know what
type of access I would have, so if you try to contact me and don't hear back from me immediately ... don't worry.. I'm just out panning for gold.


arsifoofoo said... Reply to comment

Hang on...You said "early" and "8AM"...which is it?
I'll give you a wake up call when I get to work at 6:30!

Eury said... Reply to comment

You start work at 6:30.. because you like to? Dare I ask what time do you get up?