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Tuesday, September 28, 2004

I could use a hug

Today started off pretty normally.. nothing special. I had a few discussions for upcoming jobs.. designing some tickets for a drawing for a trip to Puerto Vaillarta. and also a concept/tickets/hall decor and menu for a St-Valentines day fundraiser. I was happy about's not alot of money but it is money for something I enjoy doing.

Later on in the afternoon, took a walk in the woods and took a few photographs.

So I come home and check on Worth1000... see if anyone has done the Worth crossword puzzle I have made. It is not a huge success, but that's alright.. it was a crazy idea I came up with and was fun to do. After Worth I check out Artalyst. It's a site where people put up their images for comments and critiques.. and it is generally a sharing community. There is one guy though.. that just hates my guts.. I don't know why. I guess he just hates my face or something.

He has re-commented on a previous image that he has already commented on (okay this image could use some work but that is not what he is telling me about) The image is of an North American Indian doing a dance at a POWWOW. This was held in our town for the first time this summer. It was pretty cool. These different tribes get together and have these dance competitions in their native dress. These people are trying to keep their traditions alive. Anyways.. his first comment on the image was about the blurred background being too modern.. and the second comment is like i said - nice except for the " this is how they used to be but now they are tamed " kind of thing...What? I know he is just egging me on and wants to tell him to shut up his big fat racist mouth.... but that is the kind of thing he enjoys.. so I haven't said anything.

I go to another comment and here is what he has to say.. something along the lines of .. you used to do good work..but what you put up now is not good anymore. You are pretentious and trying desperately to put anything up.. blah.. blah.. then he adds a comment on my latest image under this image. About putting up a mallard duck just doesn't do anything for him.

This is not the first time he has come at me.. it is actually the third time.
Anyone that knows me.. I 'm far from being a trouble maker. I'm a gentle soul and even often too soft and forgiving. I have a friend that tells me: Maggie .. you should be like a good french bread.. nice and soft inside.. but with a thin hard crust on the exterior to protect yourself. Easier said than done.

I can admit my photographs aren't the best.. they aren't crap either. I 'm just learning and trying to figure it out as I go along. I don't mind someone saying.. you should change your crop.. or try a different perspective. Sometimes I agree, sometimes I don't but at least those critiques are constructive. How is making me feel like a piece of crap going to do me any good. So.. now besides feeling hurt .. I am mad at myself for letting a jerk like this bring me to tears.

Sylvain isn't here.. won't be until between 11:00 and midnight. I could really use a hug.

Friday, September 24, 2004

Duck Dive

I took this picture today and just thought it was funny, hope it makes you smile too! :)

almost over before it began

This turned out much longer than I expected, but there was just so much to tell.

yesterday I started what was supposed to be a job doing translations for a mining company. There is a mine in our town (an open pit mine) which was on the brink of bankruptcy and were bought out by these guys that only speak English. One is from Ontario and the others are from the U.S.

They asked Donald, a friend of mine, if he knew anyone who could speak and write both English and French.. Well.. seems I'm the only one he knows that can do that. You have to understand that where I live it is almost completely French. Although Canada is supposed to be bilingual, most people aren't. And in Québec, if you are not in Montreal, you have a very low percentage of people who are truly bilingual. Most French people are separatists who wish to cut away from Canada and be a distinct society on their own. I'm not one of them, but that's a different story.

Anyways, under the impression that I'm going to be doing translation of documents etc., I get there, and instead of going to the main office, where Donald works, these guys are crammed into a tiny little room, smaller than my livingroom.

First thing that happens is that I get introduced to them all, one by one.

Paul is a geologist from Ste-Thérèse and he speaks only French.

Jerry, very high-strung nervous and can't put a whole sentence together because of it, is their P.R. guy. I always thought if you were in P.R. it would take a calm person with lots of charisma, apparently not.

John is from Washington and is the president's husband. Her name is Peggy and she is not there today. He is a mumbler. You just want to scream: "Articulate!".

Dwayne is from the States but I'm not sure exactly from where.. but I am sure that you could use a bit more "umph" when shaking hands. I was almost worried I might crush HIS hand.

One thing I am sure of is that these guys are mining engineers.. they sound dimwitted because they lack any speaking skills or any social skills at all. Their brains have little wheels rolling around but are not able to spit out more than a word here or there. There are surely some mining egineers out there that sound like actual human-beings.. but to-date I haven't met one. They also lack any sense of humor.

Anyways... they offer me a certain amount of money, I'm shocked.. it's way too low.. I come back with an counter-offer of less than I actually wanted. I spurt out 2.00$ an hour more than he is offering and just want to kick myself in the shins for not asking for more. Now some of you may think I'm being greedy, but he literally offered me about 2.00 more than minumum wage. Even with the 2.00 more I want.. he hesitates.. and says he has to ask Dwayne. Leaves, comes back and it's a go.

So.. they have the union's agreement with the employees of the former mine to translate.. fine. But they don't really want me to translate it. That would take too much time and cost too much. So they want me to do a "Babel Fish" translation.. 150 words at a time.. cut and paste..doesn't matter about certain words not fitting in the context.. they don't care.. just back and forth. Now I'm feeling like a monkey, because this is extremely monotonous work.. zzzz...zzzz....zzzzzz....zzzz

Perhaps now is a good time to put you at the scene of where I'm working. I'm not working in the office building. They have decided they are not sure if they want to keep that building. The only person that is working there at the moment is Donald. There are about 15 offices up there with not a soul working in them. Donald is there because he has special lab equipment and they cannot move now because they don't have any place for it.

So.. I'm in an office that has literally 6-7 desks in it,(hard to tell beneath the mess of papers and dust) They don't really have a place for me to sit down, or a proper computer for me to work on .. so I'm going to work on Jerry's computer and he is going to interrupt me often to check emails and stuff. Every 10 minutes, he asks.. where are you up to now.. what page? He is quite nervous and fidgety.

It's lunchtime, Donald calls and says to come and have lunch with him .. there is an employees room at the "real" office.. we will sit and talk and have lunch.

Oh, I almost forgot this little tidbit... at the little office, where my millionaire mining guys are .. there is no bathroom nor plumbing at all. If you have to go, you jump into a huge mining truck.. because you don't bring your own vehicule into the mining area.. and you run up to the main office where they do have bathrooms.

I do go, but need to borrow a flashlight from Donald. These guys have decided they are going to save on electricity.. so they have closed breakers.. so even if you want to turn on the lights. you can't.

Are you starting to get a feel for how wonderful a place this is.

Now. Donald brings me around the main office.. with all these beautiful empty offices that we could all be using. Pretty desks in a variety of tasteful colors... no computers but I don't know why at the moment.

These guys have closed all the breakers there except for the two rooms that Donald uses.

Before going back to the dusty hovel, Donald, who by the way has no idea that they are not making me do traditional translation, says.. Maggie I need an ink-cartridge. He has a special printer that is very large so he can print out some sort of mapping that he does of the mine territory. He does some sort of environmental work.. and does lab tests for contaminants etc., They would probably like to get rid of Donald, but the law in Quebec forces you to have such a person in your employment if you are running a mine.. and there are very few people who do what he does.. anyways.. Could I ask them to give him an ink cartridge please. No problem, Donald.. I'll get you your cartridge.

Just before leaving, our mumbler, John, I believe, comes to see Donald about a certain plan. Donald shows him what he has been working on and shows him a particular part where there should be a fan.. and the water passes here before going to another place where it is cleaned.. ok.. he says to Donald, ah! we can just dump the water. Donald looks at him and says: You are talking to the green police. This guy lifts his wrists together as in saying "Cuff Me". So Donald goes on to tell him that he has to clean the water, we cannot put this polluted water back into the town's system.. See now this guy mutters something back like.. well the town has to clean it anyways so let them do it. What he doesn't realize is we have spring water here.. the water from the mine will go to a lake where people go swimming. It doesn't have to be filtered by the town.

These guys like cutting corners.. alot.

Then he says he needs certain licenses from the town to do his construction but he doesn't want to pay for a a real plan.. he wants to pay like 100$ for a quickly drawn rectangle with little circles that will indicate about where the equipment will go. So Donald, I can just see his face trying not to crack up.. telling him that won't just won't do.

So anyways.. I go back to the depressing miserable room I have been set up in.. and bring along the cartridge.

Now comes more comedy.

So I ask for a cartridge for Donald, they can't find one.. so Dwayne..our limp-handed genius says.. well tell him to use another printer. I explain to him that he can't that his printer is a large format and he can't use another printer. So Jerry says to Dwayne.. well.. I guess we have no choice.. we'll have to buy him one.

I'm amazed .. but still holding it together.

So he calls Donald to find out where they buy their ink. Papeterie Commerciale. Fine. Jerry won't let Donald get the ink before knowing how much it costs.

Turns out it is 39.99 plus tax something like 46.00. While on the phone, the company I'm talking to used to supply the former mine in office supplies so you can see she is anxious to do business.. she says. Could we come over and drop off some catalogs and talk about opening an account. So I ask Jerry and he lunges for the phone ( I tell you .. he is a meltdown waiting to happen) He starts talking to the girl saying send me a fax for the account opening. The girl is struggling with her English.. but he won't pass me the phone.

He hangs up. He then says: call Walmart.. check their price.

Walmart is a retailer and will be a bit more expensive even as cheap as they are..but ok, I'll call them. Of course they come back with 40.95 plus tax.. which is more than a dollar more expensive. Now, nervous jerryervous.. says call her back.. tell her to send the fax to open the account.

Fine. I call her back.. I'm embarrassed.. she's laughing.. saying the fax has been sent.. I can hear the fax 's beeboops in the background while I'm talking to her. I say I'm sorry and will get back to her.

He says, call her back, ask her is they can open a temporary 30 day credit. I call her back. She must think I'm nuts.. I tell her, I'm sorry but since I've just started and things aren't really set up yet, could she do this.. she very calmly says, Why of course... I can feel her smiling. (She should be their P.R. guy!) We'll make the bill out now and leave it at the cash for your employee to pick up.

Jerry now looks at the form he has received by fax for the account opening. It is three pages long. It asks for company name, address. bank. shareholder names, social insurance numbers. etc.,

He makes me put the name of the company and address and send it back. No other details. He says: they'll do it our way or we'll go with someone else; no compromise. yikes!

Great. I send back the fax but their fax is busy. You can hear the operator saying "the line is busy.. blah, blah, blah!" but it's in French right.. so he starts yelling.. you put in the wrong number... and starts pressing all sorts of buttons on the fax machine. I'm starting to wonder if this is either an episode of Twilight Zone or of Candid Camera.. this guy cannot be for real. He's nuts!

So he makes me send it again. They will receive it twice. I am imagining the girls there .. laughing and slapping their thighs. Ridiculous.

now as if the day wasn't entertaining enough.. he has some translation for me to do.. for real this time. No babel fish.. Great..

He makes me put on a heavy sweater and brings me into an unheated warehouse that has a ciment floor and perhaps 30 filing cabinets all in a row.. and on the other side are a bunch of really great looking computers and monitors.

Now he has no idea what is in the filing cabinets.. because he can't read French.. so he expects me to spend a good part of the next 3 weeks working in this warehouse .. wearing a winter jacket if I need it, and labeling the files. I don't think so buddy.

Anways .. to not drag on this horror story any longer. I didn't want to say anything to him right there because, honestly, I was a little afraid of his reaction. So I called Donald and told him to come to my house the next morning on his way to work and pick up my invoice and a little letter I wrote them.

I could have written down in the letter how very terrible I thought it would be to work for them. That they were crazy etc., A take your job and shove it letter.. but I didn't want to jeopardize anything for Donald, who works in this own office and really doesn't have to deal with their craziness too much.

I wrote something along the lines of : As you know I am an artist and it had been several years I hadn't worked in an office and today reminded me why.. It was much too monotonous for a creative person as myself. The bill for my services are enclosed and I hoped their project was profitable ... blah, blah..
cordially yours, Maggie.

Sadly these guys complain that their hotel rooms where they are staying are much too expensive (they share rooms -50$ a night.. that would be about 35 US) They discussed bringing sleeping bags and sleeping in the empty offices in the main building. At least there, if they have to pee at night, there are actual bathrooms.. as long as they have a flashlight to get there. It is hard for me to comprehend being millionaires and being SO stingy. Every nickle .. every dime. Jerry actually showed me pens and pencils in a box and said specifically.. these office supplies.. if you want a pen or something .. you ask me first. Frankly, I would rather not have money if it makes you that crazy.

Wednesday, September 22, 2004


This morning I got a call from, Donald, a friend of ours, asking me if I wanted an extra job for a couple of weeks.

The job is at a mine!! The mine has been bought by new people and they don't speak French and all the current employees don't speak English. So, he needs someone to find files for him, to go with him to pick up licenses etc., I would estimate that our town is 95% French ... so I really understand his need.

As many of you already know, I work freelance.. part-time and don't make alot of money.. but I'm almost as free as a bird, and keep whatever hours I like...but I really could use the extra money.

He wants me there tomorrow morning, bright and EARLY: 8AM.. lovely.. I can already hear the birds chirping! I'm imagining a boring grey office with no windows and lots of dust.. I hope I'm wrong.

More details when I have them.

Oh, I have no idea if there is any internet.. I would hope so, but don't know what
type of access I would have, so if you try to contact me and don't hear back from me immediately ... don't worry.. I'm just out panning for gold.

Tuesday, September 21, 2004

look up.. look way up!

I just thought I put up a picture I took in the park today. Wild how you can see the tree behind me and in front of my all at the same time.. how.. well it's magic, of course! :)

Monday, September 20, 2004

Yesterday, I was feeling very vulnerable. I don't know if all artistic people are so sensitive. I try to put what I create aside from who I am but sometimes it is just difficult.

Competition... is a good thing, because it fuels you up to do good work, but when what you thought was good turns out not to be to anyone but you.. you feel like crap.. and very mediocre. I hate feeling mediocre. Although it isn't over, the result is evident. I pretty much knew I was going to lose, but I thought I would at least go down kicking, not that I would just lay down and get trampled on. It's so humiliating.

Trying to put myself in a better mood, I thought I'd fool around and record myself.. ... am I weird or what? anyways I lay down under my computer desk.. and plugged in the microphone that I had laying around on a shelf. After trying to use it.. the sound wouldn't play so I screwed around in the settings...probably mixed something up ... and lo and behold now I had no sound at all... no music.. (the day the music died.. bye, bye miss american pie, took my chevy to the levy but the levy was dry.. and good old boys drinking whiskey and rye, saying this will be the day that I die.. this will be the day that I die)

Well.. so I come up with this stupid idea of restoring the computer.. hoping the setting would go back.. and while it is restoring, I push back on my computer tower .. just a tad.. you know it was a little out of place because of placing the mike.. and it started to make noise like some type of tractor trailer. Quite unnerved.. I shut everything down and went to bed.

This morning I got up and opened it up.. to see what it was.. boy .. it had alot of dust bunnies! Anyways.. besides the fan on the power supply it has two other fans.. so I unscrewed them and cleaned them out really well.. and after reattaching.. rebooted the computer to the wonderful loud sound of whirring fans and no more farm machinery noises. I think that probably when I moved the computer one of the hanging wires in there probably was hitting the back fan and making all that noise.

This evening I went back under my desk and found the primarly culprit.. Yes, I found myself! I'm the culprit, because while connecting the mike.. or vacuuming earlier in the day.. turned off the on/off button on the subwoof and didn't notice it. Of course now that I had played around with all the different setting and possibilites.. I still didn't have sound. After fooling around for awhile I finally got all sound back.. I'm so relieved.

Anyways.. all this to say, when you are feeling like you are chopped liver or whatever metaphor you want to use for that "ARGH!!!!!" feeling you have.. don't even try and cheer yourself up ... you just make everything worse... go to bed, close your eyes and tomorrow will be a better day!

---for the curious.. This is what I was wanted to record:

Moi, si j'étais un homme, je serais capitaine
If I were a man, I would be the captain
D'un bateau vert et blanc,
Of a green and white boat
D'une élégance rare et plus fort que l'ébène
of rare elegance and stronger than ebony
Pour les trop mauvais temps.
to weather the really bad times.

Je t'emmènerais en voyage
I would bring you to see
Voir les plus beaux pays du monde.
the most beautiful countries in the world.
J' te ferais l'amour sur la plage
I'd make love to you on the beach
En savourant chaque seconde
Savoring each second
Où mon corps engourdi s'enflamme
My body ignited
Jusqu'à s'endormir dans tes bras,
Until I fall asleep in your arms
Mais je suis femme et, quand on est femme,
But I'm a woman, and when you are a woman
On ne dit pas ces choses-là.
You don't say such things.

ll faut dire que les temps ont changé.
It should be said that times have changed
De nos jours, c'est chacun pour soi.
These days, it's everyone for themselves
Ces histoires d'amour démodées
These stories of old fashioned love
N'arrivent qu'au cinéma.
Only happen at the cinema
On devient économe.
We are becoming economical
C'est dommage, moi j'aurais bien aimé
It's too bad, I would have loved
Un peu plus d'humour et de tendresse.
A bit more humor and tenderness
Si les hommes n'étaient pas si pressés
If men weren't in such a hurry

Ah ! si j'étais un homme,
Ah, If I were a man
Je serais romantique...
I would be romantic

maybe one day, If I do record it .. I 'll put it here :)

Saturday, September 18, 2004

cooking up a storm

Cold and depressing out.. I decided to cook up lots of food to freeze for those days when I'm doing other things and just hate having to stop to actually make food.

So I'm making lots of food to freeze. Nothing fancy.. comfort food.

I've made stuffed red peppers...don't they look good?

Pâté Chinois (shephard's pie)


and probably will make muffins .. no, not healthy stuff like bran muffins, something more decadent, perhaps chocolate!!

I like cooking but prefer baking.. and hate cleaning up; I love my dishwasher.

Well, back to the kitchen, was just taking a small break.


Well finally I did make muffins, I made banana chocolate muffins, and lemon pound cake muffins. Had too much batter left over so threw in a couple handfuls of frozen raspberries and made a lemon-raspberry pound cake too.

The kitchen is cleaned, but I still need to wash the floor.. any volunteers? I'm paying in free food!

Friday, September 17, 2004

stupid product

Ever see a new product and just think how stupid is that?

Today at the grocery store while looking for a new lasagna pan, I saw this new cookie sheet they are selling. It is only 3 dollars more expensive than the kind they already sell because it has little circles on it to show you where to put your cookies. What? I mean ... you can make between 12 and 16 cookies on a sheet. Do you really need someone to help you figure out where they go. You'd think it was rocket science or something.. sheesh!

Wednesday, September 15, 2004

preliminary sketches

Well.. I spend most of my day sketching.. costumes ideas.

Since I have a rehearsal tonight.. I thought I upload my sketches if anyone was interested.

The first sketch is just to situate myself in the story.. it takes place in the future.. author wants a tower to the right.. a huge planet to the left and a starry sky.. some sort of moonrocks laying around..

Scene 1

Now there is going to be some sort of a captain and his female lieutenant.. they are supposed to be wearing some sort of space costumes that match.

Remember.. preliminary!! lol!

So.. here they are:

The pair

I also need a robot.. to have him short and be able to look like his is hovering,
I have to have him sitting down... so his knees are going to take alot of space..
Marcel will be playing the robot.. and he shaves his head.. so :


I've started a few female citizens of the future:

First one

Second one

and a third

and further along in the act.. we see some medieval peasants
Only one sketch so far:

Hope you like them.


My mozilla crashed today... and when I reboot, I had a chdsk to do.. so I did.. and
well, wonderful Windows.. just truncated a bunch of stuff... (I must admit I wasn't really worried) but now I have lost all my bookmarks and much worse..all my mail - contacts.. the whole shebang. ... wonderful news isn't it..

I think I'm going to start writing all my email contacts down in a notepad.. not a virtual one.. a real one.. just like in the olden days ..Anyways.. Now I have a gmail account.

It is
or write to me here
Please if you are someone I know.. send me an email at gmail and I will try and recoup my list as best as I can. At the moment, I have to re-do all my configurations and preferences and fix everything to be able to receive mail in my home box.. won't have time right now.

Tuesday, September 14, 2004

little walk, little hockey

We had a pretty crappy summer but now that school has started and the kids are
confined indoors all day, the weather is playing them quite a joke by being beautiful.

Although working at home gives me alot of freedom, living in a small town and working at home seems to make clients think that you are always available. Yesterday I had a client that was supposed to come over, well.. she then changed her mind.. and decided she would come today.. It was beautiful out.. I was just hankering to get out of here. She finally showed up at close to 2 o'clock. Well, at least she paid me.

Finally left, took a walk and brought my camera. They say you should do about 30 minutes of walking a day to stay fit.. well.. I've done my weeks worth! I was out for 2 1/2 hours. It was well worth it, we probably don't have many more of these nice days left.

Today's picture:

Sylvain and I had a late supper tonight in front of the TV set so he could watch the World Cup Hockey Game. Regular hockey is on strike, so all the sports channels are showing this. Canada won.

Talking about hockey, it always make me laugh... people like one team more than another.. hate certain teams... people, listen up! ... the players move around.. this is not like in the olden times when you watched the Montreal Canadians.. and they actually came from Montreal.
My hubby is like this.. he likes certain teams and not others. I keep on telling him.. so you like their shirts.. because the guy you like now played on a team you hated last year.

Anyways.. I watch a bit with him because he enjoys it.. I 'm not a huge sports fan.. though I admit to watching the Stanley cup finals because they are exciting. People from here "LOVE" hockey. What can you expect when half the year feels just like winter. We have a junior team. The spare goalee for Canada (Luongo) used to play for our junior team. (Again, he is not from here! but that doesn't matter, he wore the right shirt)

Friday, September 10, 2004

great news

We started back at the SALAT this week and we are going to start a new grand production. Something very unique that has never been done before.
It was written as a collaboration between Bruno Crepeault and our musical director, James Dowdy.
We start learning the songs and music now and work on it until summer. In August we get together and start learning lines and the scenarios. We should be in theatre by November 2005.

The great news for me is that I have been asked to design the costumes. I'm very excited. I've been reading the manuscript and the scenes move from today.. to the future (even a robot) to the past (medieval times) .. so that gives me alot to work with and since it is a comedy.. well, that means I can really let loose and go crazy. I will also be designing the costumes for the dancers... which is even cooler..because at one point they will be monsters.. so I'll have fun there..and later on .. they will be fairies.. so I love stuff like that.. where they can have flowing clothes, irridescent wings.

I already do their posters and programs so .. hold on to your hats.. It's going to be a very busy and exciting year.


Wednesday, September 08, 2004

Wonderful News!

I've am so excited. Not only did I get my camera yesterday... but today I got a message from
Kevin.. for Worthers .. that is catlover98uk... that one of my photographs was on a news page on the net. It was part of a report about Worth1000 on TV .. on News10 in New York City... and it is also the image they used on their webpage... That's like a double-whammy but in a really good way.

If you want to see it.. it is the Clockwork Orange image..

My Clockwork Orange image on New10 Now NewYork City!!!

Can you tell I'm excited.

Monday, September 06, 2004

Labor Day

It's labor day today.

oh.. and it's my birthday too! What is fun about having your birthday on labor day.. well.. for one.. the hubby is home and made me a nice brunch and even cleaned up the kitchen afterwards..

Found in the weekend's newspaper... :D

Saturday, September 04, 2004


This really made me laugh. You know how everyone always complains about how badly
instructions are written.. The following instructions already know that you will screw up..

Check it out

Now that's funny!

Thursday, September 02, 2004

Camera Woes

Geez.. In the last couple of weeks I have had more camera trouble than you can believe.

First time around it was my fault.. negligence led to me drowning my A70

So we bought an A75... that had impossible focusing problems and had to bring it back.
The saleman told us.. ah.. yes.. the A75... they changed the way the camera focuses.. and they also
lowered the quality of the lens.. so they could sell them cheaper.. so we exchanged it for an upgrade.. a Canon S1

I loved this new camera... well from the day I got it .. the pop up flash didn't work.. you would hear the "pop".. and then flick it open with your finger.. because it wouldn't pop by itself. I was not going to bother bringing it back.. I wanted the use of a camera.. and not have to wait.

Well.. now since a few days.. my camera has been shutting on and off.. and back on.. and doing weird things.. First I thought it was my batteries.. they are rechargeables but I have been using them for a year.. but tonight I put in fresh Alkalines that came with the camera.. and it is still doing weird things.. it has also 3 times made a very weird noise when using the zoom.

I tried doing a camera shoot tonight because I have an H2H to do with Redbull_UK...part of the H2H tournament.. Besides not having enough wind outside to take a decent wind picture.. I had to bring in a fan and do an indoor shot.. well.. I was just having so much trouble.. it would stop in the middle of the picture I wanted to take.. it would stop if I put it to the left.. turned it to the right.. I would have to take out the batteries.. reput them back in .. it kept turning the ISO to 400.. I couldn't get it down to 50 or 100.. the setting for aperture and speed kept changing too.

So I called the store and I can bring it back.. only problem is that they don't have it in stock.. it may be there tomorrow... or in 2 weeks.. ARgh!!

So.. I have uploaded an image that is too noisy..and not exactly as I wanted it..but I had no choice.. my settings just kept on changing by themselves... there was even 2 times that the image got all screwy and crooked... double ARGH!!

If I get a new camera before Saturday night.. I will redo the shoot.. but it is not likely. I cannot imagine any way I can win this H2H anways.. unless Redbull_uk.. doesn't submit.. if that happens I may have to borrow a camera from a neighbor.. (good luck to me with a point and shoot... ) I'm was already using inferior equipment to the others.. now.. Triple ARGH!!!

I guess the worse thing is the hit to my ego when people see my photograph.. they won't know the trials and tribulations I have been through.. they won't know that the best fleeting moments were lost. They will just think I did a lousy job.


I have so much good stuff around me.. our little family.. a son in university that is my pride and joy.. a husband that loves me and does everything he can to make me happy... and me.. .. I am always so hard on myself!

Wednesday, September 01, 2004

She's gone

Well, I hoped that she would get better... since she did drink a tiny bit this afternoon... but she died in the afternoon. When Sylvain got back from work .. we buried her behind the raspberries bushes in the backyard. 'nough said. :(

Poor chipmunk part-2

Well, she made it through the night.. but is still not doing well.. :(
She's been sneezing a bit and when I uncover her ... she has started to shake.. I guess that
could be considered a good sign as her body is trying to warm her up.. because yesterday.. she
was just like dead... almost not responding at all.