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Monday, August 09, 2004

regrets, I've had a few but then again...

Someone, I think it was Kzanderall, put up a thread in the general forum at Worth about would we change anything in our lives...

Man.. He starts up so many useless and pointless threads and then comes along with one that
really makes you think..

There are alot of things in my life I wish I had done differently.. but when I think about it..
would I be whom I am today? Perhaps my life would be better, easier, but it could also be so, so much worse.

Of course, in the middle of those difficult situations.. you just want to melt away.. become someone else.. not have to worry, be afraid , feel the pain.. everyone tells you ... you will grow from this.. but you really don't want to.. you are forced into growing.

The things I regret most in my life are the things I didn't do, try, say.
The things I regret today, are the same: things I don't do, try and say....
you would think a lesson would be learned.. some of them are easier, some old habits die hard.

Worse things are creating cartoons in your head telling you that you can't... people will laugh.. will think you a fool...

Yesterday.. at Artalyst.. a user, jarjar.. porkribs.. Gordie whatever you want to call him, said he was leaving .. to close his account. I wrote him hoping everything was ok.. and he explained to me that Worth and Artalyst were like drugs to him... that he had completely neglected his home and his wife .. pretty much abandoned them for his new passion.

Takes quite a man to pull away.. to say that it's unfair to his wife that he shouldn;t neglect them so.
He wrote how certain people made him smile everyday and how the images of the artists work inspired him.. how he felt that even though he was not yet good .. that people were not condescending and would really go out of their way to help him.. That is quite a sacrifice for him to make.. very unselfish..

I realize I am much more selfish than he is. I also realize how little we know about others. Everybody has a story... I really wish him luck.