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Tuesday, August 31, 2004

poor little chipmunk

Sylvain found an almost drowned chipmunk in the bottom of our trashbin. Last night when bringing out the trash... he didn't close the lid properly and sometime between then and tonight a chipmunk fell in.. it rained and there was water at the bottom of the bin.

At first we thought she (it's a female) was dead..because she wasn't moving.. but we took her out and she opened her eyes .. just a crack.. so we put him in a box in a warm towel.. and started drying him off.. poor thing... must have tried for hours to get out. I have dried her as good as I can.. and she has a warm towel around her.. she is pooped and won't eat or drink... too tired I think.. but breathing better now that she is warmed up. I hope she makes it through the night.

Poor little thing! :(