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Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Tomorrow will be a month

Tomorrow it will be a month since he left.

I wish I could say that I feel great, but it wouldn't be true. I still haven't slept in our bed. I still sleep on the couch and I don't sleep enough. I am getting better though, I don't cry as much unless he comes by, then it's really touch.

Saturday he came and got more things. It seems anything he wants, he just takes and whatever doesn't interest him anymore, well we can keep. He took every tool he has, and he has so many of them. I told him he needed to give me some, so he bought me a set of pliers, a measuring tape and a several screwdrivers in one screwdriver. I still have a hammer from before I met him.. a small thing, good enough to hammer in a small nail I suppose.

We had so many nuts and bolts, and nails and screws and widgits and gadgets.. all gone. He didn't even leave me a handful of nails and screws. It was my fault, I shouldn't have let him come and take things, but I wanted it over with.. I just wanted him to leave and not have to see him anymore.. not have to go through the pain anymore.

Today, I'm pretty angry about it all.. He didn't have the decency to be honest with me. He never said a word about being unhappy. He was like he always was, mostly emotionally cold. He was tired and wasn't interested in me, my needs or my thoughts. Of course he must have been tired, screwing around on the side.

I can't say there is no pain anymore, there is.. but today I have made a decision. To try and not let him hurt me anymore. Someone who could make me cry for a whole month and not care doesn't deserve my love nor my tears. When I asked if we could get counseling, maybe we could work it out.. heh, he said it wouldn't change anything. To throw so many years away in an instant like a light switch on/off.. how could he ever have truly loved me? For a whole month I was wrapped in my pain, almost comfortable in it knowing that it meant that I didn't take our life for granted.

Nobody is perfect, but looking back I see that I let him walk over me. In the last few years..and especially this last year, I've been working hard at being stronger, believing in myself, trying to have confidence in myself and being brave. I'm starting to wonder if this scared him. I'm nterested in many things that he couldn't be bothered with, perhaps it was too hard for him to keep up.

All the time we were together, I would always look at the positive things we had... and didnt' harp on the negative things that weren't alright. Now, I look back and see the negative.. because I have to, because it will be the only way that I will be able to take back my person.. take back my life.. to be able to breathe and be happy.. to get him out of my system.. To look at that and be able to say, I'll be better off without him. He's the loser here.. I'm not a bad person. I'm a caring and loving person who is smart and interesting and he's the one that is a fool.

I also want to thank everyone that left comments here, that wrote me personal messages and emails.. that told me, Maggie.. you are a good person, he failed you! Everyone who told me to be brave and offered their hugs and caring. I know how banal it seems to say it, but all your words of kindness and caring and wisdom have truly touched my heart and are helping me through this.


Anonymous said... Reply to comment

I'm glad you are moving on to the anger stage of things. Anger can be a really good friend to someone in your situation. It will help you to heal. Keep on being strong, you will get through this and emerge smarter, stronger, and happier for it. Everything that happens to us in life helps to shape us into the person we are. If you need love and support, you know where we are. ;-)


Mackey said... Reply to comment

Well Maggie, I know that we don't actually "know" each other, just aquaintances from CyberLand :) But as one human to another, I feel your pain. I keep you on my prayers & you just need to know that everything happens for a reason. I know that it may be hard to find a reason for all this right now but time will help you heal & you will see the reason. He obviously didn't see the magnificent person that he had. Maybe your love & faithfulness was wasted on someone who didn't appreciate it.
Stay strong Maggie, you will come through a better & dtronger person! Much Love!!!

Anonymous said... Reply to comment

Was glad to see your blog...good to know you are moving along, however slowly it may feel to you. The only way out is through, as they say. You'll make it. You're a survivor, stronger than you know. During these tough times, don't forget to stop and find the joy, the happiness, the little miracles in the everyday things that surround you. Smile when you'll help. Love and support - just a click away!

Daniel Goodchild said... Reply to comment

Just been catching up with a few blogs. Really sorry to hear about this Eury.
It will take time, there's no denying that, but you will come through it. You'll also come through it as a stronger person I'm sure.
Look after yourself. You need anything ? Just shout.

KSHIPPYCHIC said... Reply to comment

Hi Maggie, Im so sorry I havent written more to you than a stupid private message during all of this. I have been so wrapped up in all of my own pity, and all I lost was some ovaries. I just want you to know that I have thought of you often and wondered how you were holding up. I know there is nothing I can do or say to make it better for you. But know that you have a lot of people out here that care about you - even if they barely know you - or dont know you at all but for the web - and we are all keeping you in our hearts. You are such a talented and beautiful woman and please dont wilt away on us ok? I saw that you got first place on the WK fireworks - maybe a fleeting moment of happiness for you? We are all here anytime - just reach out for what you need.

Or you can try random acts of MOONING!!!! Yes its childish and silly but it really feels kind of empowering! LOL! Hang in there Maggie! Love, Beck

Anonymous said... Reply to comment

this has little to nothing to do with your story, although it sure sounds heartbreaking .... poor you !
what I was doing today was googling my first name that is very rare in my country (Belgium) and that eventually brought me here, on your blogsite. is it true ? is your name Eurydice ? just like me ?
I have never met someone with the same frst name so if one day you would like to chat, just let me know on

(btw : trouble with men must have something to do with the name ;))

oh, I'm not some sille teenager, I'm a 32yo mother of 2 boys.

TotalChaos said... Reply to comment


Some what slow in responding to your blog. It is so hard to know what to say. This is my first and only marriage, but my wife's second. It took a long time for her to really know, that I was here for always. I know some of the pain you feel, from her talks with me, about how things went down.

Like the Phoenix, you shall rise from the dust again and spread your wings, and sing us songs of beauty and love with your Artistry.

To a friend, who has helped me in the past. JarJar, TotalChaos