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Saturday, June 04, 2005

busy, busy

I've had a really busy week and not a lot of time to blog. We are ending our session of rehearsals this week.. before taking a month off. (well, from singing anyways... in about 2 weeks we will probably be start working on making props) .

That means 5 practices this week and a informal concert Sunday night for friends and family.

These last practices are pretty great. The soloists have started singing with us and we are finally getting to hear the script too.. It's such much funnier and much less disjointed when everything comes together. Tomorrow will be a treat as we will have full orchestra and for the first time be practicing on-stage.

Wednesday, we had our first encounter with the singer that will be playinig "Bob, the terrible". He's very charming and "aguichable" and just seems to fit the role perfectly.

Yesterday, the director was there for the first time.. tiny little thing.. but a real cutie.. with his lime and lemon striped pants.. very retro!.

June 1st was also the first year for World Photo Day . Since it is the first year of the project, there is not many photos.. probably about 1000. Still, 1000 people cooperating on a project is not bad. Next year there will most probably be more. The idea was to take a photograph just showing people or a person just doing something ordinary wherever you happened to be that day. I took a few shots of the daughter of a friend.. and uploaded a pic of her blowing bubbles. Of course, I would have been better to have a plain background etc, but this is a candid shot and I couldn't help but love her without further ado, my contribution to World Photo Day...
