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Tuesday, January 30, 2007


When Buffy - the Vampire Slayer played on t.v., I missed it. Never saw one episode.

At the end of last year, a friend coaxed me into watching the series. At first, I was hesitant...we started watching, I was not that impressed. The shows obviously lacked money to create anything that looked scarey or thrilling, but I was told, you have to give the show a chance, things get better in season 2... and they did.

And then as each season progressed the show just kept getting better and better, albeit sometimes the monsters were a little fake looking the story lines were very interesting, intense and very well written.

Each episode had it's share of angst, drama and humor.

I just couldn't get enough of it.. I'd watch several episodes one after another culminating this past sunday with a 4 episode finale.

I just have to say, Buffy was a fabulous series... it made me laugh, it made me sing, and it made me shiver and cry. Cry, heh.. ball my eyes out is more like it. They weren't afraid to go places many other shows didn't go, they didn't always go for the obvious cliché. I was pretty good at figuring out many outcomes, but still often the show managed to surprise me.

So, now it's over. For television anyways.. just when I was feeling that it's too bad that there isn't a season 8, this comes along: Buffy Season 8, in a new and different way!

I can't wait!


Bray said... Reply to comment

Thats funny, Maggie! Two of my best friends (female) are both rabid buffy fans. For kicks, they call me Zander (which is okay because my middle name is alexander). One of these days maybe I'll get suckered into the show ;)

MeanMrMustard said... Reply to comment

I'm a big Buffy fan, and I don't care who knows it. When Buffy was at its best (seasons 2 and 3 in particular), it was better than chocolate. When it wasn't at its best (seasons 4 and 5, the "Joss is busy with Angel years), it was still capable of producing outstanding individual episodes ("Hush", "The Body", "The Gift") that could amaze you, scare you, and break your heart. And even when it was at its worst (seasons 6 and 7, the UPN/"Joss is busy with Angel and Firefly" years), it was still capable of surprising you with the occasional "Once More With Feeling" or "Conversations With Dead People".

Great stuff. Always happy to hear about someone else discovering it for the first time.

Anonymous said... Reply to comment

Now that it's ended long after two seasons, I may check it out through NetFlix. I hate getting sucked into a show only to have it snatched away after a season or two, and it seems like all the shows I love do just that. There's no chance of it happening with Buffy now, so I feel confident that I can watch the series without jinxing it.

You all should be glad I didn't get into it from the beginning, it surely would have been cancelled within the first two seasons. ;)

Eury said... Reply to comment

Ali, you must do it, and give it a chance, the first season, only something like 12 episodes unlike the usual 22 is a little bit monster of the week, but once you get to season 2, you won't be able to turn back.

and Larry, Once more with feeling was just so good, I am going to find the music and lyrics and learn them all... and conversations with Dead People may well be one of the very best shows I've ever seen ever. The emotion was just so strikingly raw and the lack of a music track in the background just pushed it even further.. like a naked truth. Really amazing stuff.

Anonymous said... Reply to comment

where did you get the name Eury from? Is it you real Name?

Anonymous said... Reply to comment

Oh, this reminds me: I need to pick up Season 5 of Angel for Xmas this year. Not for anyone necessarily, but just to finally complete the collection while the sales are on. Thanks! :)