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Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Finally, an update

I don't know if anyone still reads this but this is an update on what's happened in the last few months.

My life really has been up and down a lot in the last few months.

Since November of 2005, my dad was extremely sick and was in the hospital 3 times. It was pretty rough to see my dad like that, and on January 29, 2006.. my dad died.
Although I was kind of expecting it, you are never truly prepared. Since last year he had been in the hospital 6 times. Once for a minor stroke and 5 times with pneumonia and lung problems.

My dad was a tough guy.. and if anyone has ever read back through my blog, not at all an easy man. I can say though, that after Sylvain left... he was there for me. I guess it was easier for him to be my dad at that stage, I needed him and we solidified our relationship. I'm glad too...when he left this earth, we had no unfinished business.. no unresolved anything. He is no longer was in pain ... and I no longer have to worry about him living on his own, as he wanted. He didn't want to go to an old age home, to him that meant he would lose all his freedom. So now, he is truly free.

As many of you know, I filed for divorce and the first stage is done and over with.. the financial stuff is all worked out and final. This was a huge thing for me, because I was afraid of losing my house. As small as it is, it is still Home Sweet Home to me.. the roof over my head and the bed under my back at night.

Now, all that is left is the divorce papers, because I don't want to have to wait another year or so before going back to court. I could have had a legal separation and gone that route, but I'm not the type of person that is going to lay around for a year hoping he will come back.. I've mourned and it's over now and I've turned the page.

I've also someone in my life that is amazing, intelligent and incredibly awesome. It's exciting yet scary, but I'm taking it one day at a time.

I'm also finding myself again.. the person I truly am and I like me.. a lot.


Mackey said... Reply to comment

Hi Maggie!!! I still check your blog in hopes that I will hear from you again & here you are!!! I am so sorry to hear about your dad, that must have been so hard. You do sound as if you are doing great & that is so good to hear. You are a strong shows alll the way through cyber space.
Hope to hear more from you soon.

Anonymous said... Reply to comment

Hi Maggie,

Sorry to hear about your dad,its good to read that you both had no unfinished buisness and he went his own free self.

I am glad to hear that your house is safe and your divorce will be over soon, good news.

Someone else in your life now, also dounds good :)

Keep going forward

Kev :)

Bray said... Reply to comment

Oh maggie, I'm sad and relieved to hear about your dad. Its never an easy thing losing a family member. But Im happy to hear you parted on good terms. I was a bit worried with the lack of updates, but it seems you've managed as well as anyone could have. You rock, Mags

Galoot said... Reply to comment

You're so darned selfless and independent and good that we can't even give you hugs when you need them most. No Sugar Shack post on the 19th? Well, here's your hug now, by dingo, and you're not gonna wriggle out of it.

And another hug.

And another.

As for the good stuff, great! I hope he's everything you need him to be. You deserve the best, Maggie.

Daniel Goodchild said... Reply to comment

Here I am again, saying you deserve the best in life.