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Saturday, October 01, 2005

Fall is in the air

It's been awhile, hasn't it?

I've been running around, filling and filing papers. This whole mess is just too much and perhaps when get this all done, I can try and find myself again. Right now, it's humiliating to have to recount what's happening to me to strangers, to lawyers, secretaries and banks etc.,

On a sweet note, I went to see the doctor yesterday. The results of my blood test were very good, he was very pleased and so am I.

The weather today was so beautiful. It was warm, warm enough to go out in short sleeves but not that hot, muggy warm of summer ... but warm enough so that even though the beginning of October, I could still hear the crickets. The air is crisp and dry and the leaves have started to turn.

Went to the small park by the school:

Here are a few pics! :

This is in the gully behind my house. I liked how the bare tree looked against
the colorful leaves of the trees behind. Almost made me think of the silhouette of a tree against a sunset.

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A little stream with rocks:

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Lovely orangey maple leaves. :-)

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These make the birds smile and sing sweet songs!

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Besides that, I've been experimenting in Photoshop with a new technique that a new member at Artalyst has been showing me. His name is Steve Sperry and he does amazing abstract art that is very free. His website is called Mighty Sight Studio . If you like abstract art, take a look, as his images are full of rhythm and glowing light.


TotalChaos said... Reply to comment

I like them all, especially the one of the tree. It does look like the sun is going down and lighting clouds. Hard to believe the color change there, as we are still around 90* here. If the leaves change color here, it is just brown. Drove to Maryland in early Oct. from here, years ago and was amazed at the change of colors.

Anonymous said... Reply to comment

These are great color captures, Eury!
The first one is definitely Jackson Pollock-like. With some more tweaking you might be able to accentuate that and it would make a great print.
The second one has a bluish-tint to it. Try adjusting that with Color Balance and see if the true colors make an improvement.
For someone who doesn't do landscapes much, you've managed to get some really nice shots.

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TotalChaos said... Reply to comment

Ok, Eury. It has been a week lets see some more pix, dang it. you can go over a week without blogging and I can't hardly do only one. I know you are busy, but just a hi all would be great.

Eury said... Reply to comment

hi jarjar,

I have rehearsals until 10pm tonight, but I promise to put up some pics either late tonight or tomorrow. I've got lots! :-)