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Tuesday, May 10, 2005

last few days

I've just finished reading the book, 'Digital Fortress' by Dan Brown. He's the same author that wrote the 'DaVinci Code'. The book was alright but too easy. As soon as they fingered a certain person in the beginning 1/3 of the book, I was already sure it wasn't him.. and had by the middle of the book already figured out pretty much who did what.. and the only reason to read was to see if I was right, for one..and also for the small details.

I had the same impression when I read the "DaVinci Code" right from the beginning when the first person dies. It wasn't very hard to figure out they were talking about DaVinci's "Proportions of the Human Figure". Yes, I am aware it was a best seller and everyone thought it was the best book they had every read. Don't get me wrong, it was a good read, but perhaps I was let down by all the hype.

One gets the feeling that his so-called experts are not as brilliant as they should be because the clues are easy and evident. At least in the 'DaVinci code', there were a few more surprises and it was a better read. I'm wondering why Dan Brown has chosen to make his cyrptographers, that are supposedly geniuses.. not as smart as the reader.. or maybe Dan Brown is brilliant.. that he writes in a way that makes the reader feel very smart! lol

If there were a science-fiction book out there that I would absolutely recommend to anyone... it would be a very small but fascinating book by Canadian author 'Robert J. Sawyer' called 'Calculating God'. It is not only a page turner and interesting but truly thought provoking. The book is about an alien that comes to earth and has discussions with an atheist paleontologist about creationism. Let me state, right here. right now..this book is not about religion or anything about what most of us were brought up and been taught about God and how he cares for every living soul etc. Let's just say I could not put this book down.


Saturday I went with Sylvian to an Exposition by the Club Richelieu. I promised but I must say I was bored. Boats, campers and fishing gear... oh..yes.. everthing I hate!! lol.. afterwards we had supper with a colleague of Sylvain's and his wife. The guy could talk only about one thing: work.. I tried to be seem interested.. but instead.. was thinking about the time.. I had a colorization to work on and the contest would go live at midnight. I had completely forgotten about it and had only remembered that afternoon. You can imagine me, at the restaurant.. pretending not be ansy and trying to sneak quick, not obvious glances at the time.

Sunday, there was a Mother's Day Brunch that we went to because it was benefitting our prodution. It was at the local golf club. It was a beautiful day and let me tell you a small golf club fills up very quickly when 400 people stop by for breakfast.
We were supposed to sing a few selections..but the place was really not set up for it..and I must say, all the better. We got to sit with friends and just enjoy the mid-morning. Brunch was delicious and we had a couple musicians playing a few feet away.. it was fun.

Here's a picture of my friend, Linda, with her mom (a real sweetheart) and her daughter, Sophie.

Monday night I went out again for a late-night walk.. this time with my camera and tripod in tow.
Had some fun a small park closeby doing some light painting.

Today I had something fun happen. A new client came to my home for a logo for an organisation that he is head of that sends medical and educative supplies to Haiti. I'm not so honky dory on doing logo's .. but I told him.. sure I would.. why not! I could use the money.

He looks around and sees my walls are full of paintings and starts asking .. you did these.. blah.. blah.. and I say yes. So he says, how come I've never seen you expose anything.

I sort of laugh and tell him I don't really consider myself a painter because it's just something that I do because I like to create. I am not easily categorized I think.. a little impressionism, a little abstract.. a little water color.. a little sculpture.. a little photography.. whatever strikes my fancy. I don't put myself as one thing, I just have an intense need to create.. it can be making a great supper, making curtains or a painting. He says.. I have someone outside in my car that I would like to introduce to you.

He brings in this man that is a part owner of a small gallery. This guy looks around and says.. would I like to have a 2 week showing at the gallery.. give him a bit of notice.. and he would fix it up for me.. everything, invitations for the vernissage.. opening nite. He looks at my photos.. says that would be cool too.

So this is a great opportunity but I don't know.. it implies so many things. It means I would have to frame a bunch of my stuff.. that's going to cost me a lot of money that I just don't have. I have a sort of portfolio with photos. I also have some paintings that I wouldn't mind showing to people but at the same time really are attached to them because (and not all of them, of course) but some of them truly have meaning for me.

This one in particular 'Woman Unfolding' seems to mesmerize everyone that comes to my home. Everyone wants to have it in their homes. It's 3 feet wide by 4 feet high. It's in my dining room.. and I'm very attached to it because it very much about me.. as a woman unfolding .. becoming my true self. This guy kept going back to it .. over and over again. I don't want to sell it. I know that is what artists do.. but this one I would really miss in my home.

Woman Unfolding:

Anyways, I have to think about it.. is this something I want.. or am I just afraid? Do I want glorification and or critique.. how thick is my skin?

If I don't do this, will I regret it later on? If I do this, will I regret it later on?

I have always enjoyed doing art and creating things because there never was a reason it had to be done.. I already see in my work where I create invitations and other projects for people that I need quite a bit of control over what I'm producing. I hate being micro-managed.

I also don't want to have to make paintings when I don't feel like it. I want to create when and how I want to.. does that make any sense?


Bray said... Reply to comment

I felt the same way about the Davinci Code. To me it felt like a text book on symbology and Early Church History/Mythology that was given a narrative spin. I felt more like Brown was regurgitating a multitude of facts he found interesting draped over a thin plot line.