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Thursday, October 05, 2006

bringing them back to Life

As you know I'm restoring old photographs. Most are just re-cropping and color correction but some are take a little more intense work but the results are well worth it.

I thought I'd show you a few just to show off a bit :-)


now is

and this:

is now this:

and this:

is now this:

So, what do you think? Pretty cool, huh? :-)

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

and the fog rolls in...

Wow.. has it already been almost a month since I've blogged? I just get busy doing other things and then I think there really isn't much to say.

But a few things. After my dad died, I decided I would take all his photographs and make copies so that all the kids and grandkids could have them. There are so many photographs that are quite old and I'm not even sure who the people in them are since they are from the old country... but I'm going to restore them as well as I can. I have also taken to color correcting and recropping all the snapshots. It's incredible to see how a bit of cropping to help composition, fixing of crooked horizons etc., has really turned some really boring snapshots into pretty cool photos. I have about 1500 photographs to work on... not a small task. I will probably put a few pics up here once in a while to show you what I'm doing.

The cat... Chiana... well, I'll say she's a handfull and doted with multiple personalities. I've never had a cat before and she always surprises me. She's can go from loving and wanted to be petted to, in the flicker of an instant, Xena... warrior princess or something or other hunter. She can run so fast, from one sofa to the next in the blink of an eye. Sometimes it's funny, sometimes... she can be annoying, yet we love her all the same. We made a little shelf under the window so she can sit, and now she gets all excited watching the birds in the trees... she tries to climb up also and sometimes gets caught in the side windows because of the screens; that's when I have to go and get her down.. she just hangs there!

Although she loves to run around, most of the time, she's sleeping. And she will sleep anywhere. The other day, I saw her sleeping on the dining room chair, her back legs simply dangling off. I took her picture, but as you can see, she caught me...

it's like she's saying "Whatcha looking at, Willis?" .. Look how much she has grown! Yes... right now she's growing quickly and a bit skinny, but she eats a lot so I'm sure she'll fatten up soon enough. ;-)

The day before yesterday there was fog outside. I thought it would not last, as usually it comes and 5 minutes later it is gone... but went out to take pics anyways.
All I can say is that the fog creates some really great mood... here are a few pics I took:

I think I got really lucky that not only was there fog, but the leaves are turning, so I also got color. I hope you enjoy them. If you've come by don't hesitate to say, hi! :-)