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Tuesday, August 31, 2004

poor little chipmunk

Sylvain found an almost drowned chipmunk in the bottom of our trashbin. Last night when bringing out the trash... he didn't close the lid properly and sometime between then and tonight a chipmunk fell in.. it rained and there was water at the bottom of the bin.

At first we thought she (it's a female) was dead..because she wasn't moving.. but we took her out and she opened her eyes .. just a crack.. so we put him in a box in a warm towel.. and started drying him off.. poor thing... must have tried for hours to get out. I have dried her as good as I can.. and she has a warm towel around her.. she is pooped and won't eat or drink... too tired I think.. but breathing better now that she is warmed up. I hope she makes it through the night.

Poor little thing! :(

a day in 12 pictures

A challenge was posted in the photography section to show your life in 12 pictures in 12 hours..

On the weekend, Sylvain brought Simon back to university in Sherbrooke for the fall session and then went to Montreal to visit his mom .. so I was here by myself for 2 1/2 days.. no car.. and only a job to finish for a client... blah!

There was so little to do.. I actually did 2 days..

to see look here: Eurydice's day in 12 pictures

Funny... last year when Simon left for school.. it felt like I was sending him off to war... no kidding.. he was quite happy.. I was so sad.. I knew I would miss him terribly.. we have so much
in common and he is such a fun kid...

this year isn't as bad.. I had a great summer with him and I know how much he likes it there and that he has made some great friends.. and I feel that he is in a good place.. of course I will always worry a little.. that 's my job.. but otherwise I think I'll be fine..

Last year.. after getting over the initial shock of him not being here all the time... I was fine. Sylvain and I are great together... and we just enjoy each other's company. We are very different.. in many ways.. but I think we complement each other alot.. I'm better because he is there.. and the other way around too.

So glad he is back.. I always worry when he is on the road.. and I don't sleep well without him.
I'm so used to having an arm on my back.. or a leg thrown over mine.. that when he's not here... I find I have a hard time sleeping.. so I got up in the middle of the night.. covered myself with a very heavy blanket and I eventually fell asleep.

trying to find inspiration for the h2h photo tournament.. next round I'm up against the fire-breathing, slug communicating teddy bear.. Redbull_UK... I need luck.. alot of it..
not only am I against someone who's very good.. there isn't any WIND.. NADA.. NONE.. RIEN...

If you are selling inspiration.. please contact me!

Oh.. wow.. Cynlynn left comments.. that is so cool! :)

Thursday, August 12, 2004


as seen on Galoot's website..
I thought she was beautiful and lots of fun. Hope she works.

The WeatherPixie

Monday, August 09, 2004

regrets, I've had a few but then again...

Someone, I think it was Kzanderall, put up a thread in the general forum at Worth about would we change anything in our lives...

Man.. He starts up so many useless and pointless threads and then comes along with one that
really makes you think..

There are alot of things in my life I wish I had done differently.. but when I think about it..
would I be whom I am today? Perhaps my life would be better, easier, but it could also be so, so much worse.

Of course, in the middle of those difficult situations.. you just want to melt away.. become someone else.. not have to worry, be afraid , feel the pain.. everyone tells you ... you will grow from this.. but you really don't want to.. you are forced into growing.

The things I regret most in my life are the things I didn't do, try, say.
The things I regret today, are the same: things I don't do, try and say....
you would think a lesson would be learned.. some of them are easier, some old habits die hard.

Worse things are creating cartoons in your head telling you that you can't... people will laugh.. will think you a fool...

Yesterday.. at Artalyst.. a user, jarjar.. porkribs.. Gordie whatever you want to call him, said he was leaving .. to close his account. I wrote him hoping everything was ok.. and he explained to me that Worth and Artalyst were like drugs to him... that he had completely neglected his home and his wife .. pretty much abandoned them for his new passion.

Takes quite a man to pull away.. to say that it's unfair to his wife that he shouldn;t neglect them so.
He wrote how certain people made him smile everyday and how the images of the artists work inspired him.. how he felt that even though he was not yet good .. that people were not condescending and would really go out of their way to help him.. That is quite a sacrifice for him to make.. very unselfish..

I realize I am much more selfish than he is. I also realize how little we know about others. Everybody has a story... I really wish him luck.

Saturday, August 07, 2004

I didn't inhale!!! lol!

Well, second attempt at today's blog as an inadvertant touch of the X in a box on my keyboard and I closed this while still writing.... Hopefully I won't do as I did yesterday and post the same long blog three times in a row... Now I am quite grateful nobody has seen this as how dumb that must look... ;P

Anyways.. I was explaining redoing my photoshoot that was a disaster on Wednesday to make sure my photo got uploaded for tonight's H2H tourney.

I had of course borrowed a cigarette from my neighbour, Edith ( I know the name sounds old.. like Edith Bunker or something but she is about 38.. very fun.. and a bit nutty and is an esthetician) . After setting up and verifying composition and lighting several times... I lit up ... and the old familiar taste of smooth and spicy tobacco hit my was like 12 years (that's when I quit) had never happened. That sort of scared me and I decided to do a Clinton and didn't inhale.

Finally.. I could have just not done the part with the cigarette.. I'm having alot of trouble with the focus on this new camera and didn't like any of the photos I took.. because the fishing hooks were always out of focus and the cigarette was too much in focus and I just couldn't get a decent curl of smoke out of the thing... so finally I went with the glass of booze with only the hook..
I had a fun idea that I wanted to do.. get an older woman I know .. Claudette to dress up as a nun and in a corner behind a church or something.. sneaking a smoke.. I figured .. bad habit.. the play on words of the nun's habit.. but the only nun outfit I could get was in Ville-Marie..and I would have to wait at least a week to get it.. (actually a skating outfit) and that would have been too late.. but I think that would really have been an original idea. Anyways.. H2H.. starts tonight midnight.. don't mind not winning.. would really like to get at least a 6 though.. anything under I will be disappointed.

Last H2H's in the tournament was with pixelpefekt and I won... after the vote was over I always like to go and check how people voted because there are only 2 scores and that is usually pretty easy to figure out.. anways.. I had gotten a 200 x a 4 .. so I went to check and only 3 people had given 4's in the whole contest to both contestants and only one of them could count as the 200. It was from juror.. Qjet... I was really disappointed.. because that meant he didn't even think that my entry was even worth average. If he would have given me a 5.. I think it wouldn't have bothered me as much ..but a 4.. that was like a bit of a slap in the face.. since other jurors that are good photographers gave much better marks and even gave wonderful comments. I'm not sure what to think of it.. I was almost tempted to write him and ask but then that sounds just a crappy whine.. and I really am not into that.

anways onward...

Tonight after supper I got my first foil cut.. just like a paper cut but with the aluminum foil that you use to wrap up the leftovers that probably nobody will want to eat and in a week we will be throwing out... we just like to package it well beforehand.. ;)

I'm in the middle of reading a book called "Mercy" by Alissa York..
pretty good read.. Canadian author with very short bangs that gives her a girlish quality.
So far the book is interesting and I have been reading short spurts here and there...
Let you know how I rate it later on.

Friday, August 06, 2004

Last couple of days.


Ok.. I really thought I would get to this right away.. but I had a horrible day to days ago.. and
I couldn't even come here to whine about it.

I am in the middle of an H2H tourney and this time around it is against six_something and I will almost positively lose.. but still.. you know .. I still feel I should give me best.. so I set up a photo session .. in my elaborate studio.. my kitchen table. I have a feeling a few of you have a similar setup and can sympathize.

Well.... anyways.. the theme is bad habits... (ok.. normally I should talk about this here.. but like nobody in the entire world except for me even knows this little blog exists so... without further ado..) I was going to photograph a glass of rum with a a fishing lure with 3 hooks hooked on the side of the glass. The idea was like hooked on drinking... I also bummed a cigarette from my neighbor across the street to try and do something similar with that...but as luck may have it.. I started out with the rum.

I looked at several different ways of setting up the hooks.. and came to something that I liked and poured a glass of rum in a small stemmed glass... setting my camera up.. I wanted it to be fairly close so I had my camera a few inches in front of the drink.. everything looked pretty good except for the darn background that I could see the corner of the card and what was behind it.. so I when to lift the card higher... and didn't remove the rum first.. well.. I knocked the rum right onto my camera... I lift it up and pressed one button to see if it was ok.. and it flashed and everything went dead.. Took the batteries out, took out the CF card.. everything.. but nothing works..

So now if anyone ever does come here... they will absolutely think I spend my time balling my eyes out.. and I assure you that isn't the truth.. although I do cry from time to time. I was very upset... I ruined my camera.. I ruined it! I ruined it! I felt so terrible.

We just spent the last weekend before out of town.. on a small trip we probably shouldn't have taken because we cannot really afford it.. but it was just something that we needed.. a few days away from home , from the old train-train... and just having fun the two of us. We went to a winery.. we went to a fort.. and an enchanted forest (not so enchanting after-all.. but not too bad!) and even went to visit "Les Chocolats Martine" where we bought both a huge box of beautiful belgian chocolat (the owners are belgian and make very fine chocolates) and chocolate cups for port. We also went to a Salon Gastronomique and bought several bottles of wine.. some liqueur de Cerises de Terre.. some Fraises Apérif.. and 3 bottles of Quebec Porto (not really called Porto here because it doesn't come from Portugal.. but Fortified wine-- Vin Fortifié)
so... with all our purchases and the hotel.. we really were ready to pull on the belt buckle for awhile... and were quite ready to.

So.. the day I spilled the rum .. on Wednesday... Sylvain had gone fishing with Michel and came home with several Dorés (pickerel? ) and some other kind of fish that supposedly would be good.
Entering the house it was evident something was wrong.. one look at me and Sylvain could see that my eyes were all red and swollen and he asked what was wrong.. so I burst into tears and told him what happened...

You got to love the guy.. instead of saying something insensitive like ... that was dumb.. or you should've watched out etc., (exactly what I was feeling by the way) .. he said.. well.. we are going to get you another one.. we can't afford a better one.. (Actually I was hoping for a better one perhaps near Xmas time) but now I pretty much had to accept a camera the equivalent of what I already had... It's a weird feeling.. feeling happy because you are not going to be without ... feeling guilty that you ruined the one you had (that of course you planned on giving said husband when you upgraded your own) and feeling even more guilty wishing we could buy an even better model...

Anways.. everything is pretty much back to normal and I now have another camera.. an A75 instead of the A70.. I am having a bit of a problem with the autofocus.. especially with the macro mode... but at least I can take pictures...

After supper.. later on tonight.. I have to take another picture and I 'm feeling like someone who fell off a horse and is afraid to get back on.. Isn't that the stupidest thing.. I will be ok though.. just give me a few hours taking pictures and I be back to my uncareful self... sadly .. I hope I have learned something from this experience.

Today is quite cold... We have been having the most lousy weather I can remember in all my life.. this summer really sucks.. I think we have had about 1 week of sunshine and that is about it.
Today around noon we put a pork shoulder on the BBQ and now it is 7:30 pm and we should get ready to eat really soon.. the thing should be ready to fall apart.. I'm so hungry.. having a pair of toast with a bit of peanut butter isn't exactly alot for a whole day.

enough for now.

Wednesday, August 04, 2004

First Blog Posting

Well, here goes.. first time for everything.
I've been reading a few blogs from members of W1K and thought .. "Hey, I wouldn't mind having a place to spill my guts once in a while... too lazy to do it in a real journal.. actually writing with a pen.. so much easier to type. I guess Monday was what really turned the corner for me wanting a blog. My dad was here... and as usual, he is always trying to stir up trouble. Why? .. it is like he can only go so long without making me feel like I'm a nothing.

He started in with how ungrateful his children are... etc. all because the week earlier .. when Sylvain and my brother went fishing with him.. my brother accidently threw out his bag that he had made himself a sandwich in.. and in that same back he had a pair of sunglasses and a toothbrush.. Hey.. we're are not talking millions here.. 8$ sunglasses... and a ratty old toothbrush... give me a break! If you knew my dad, and you knew me and my brothers and hubby.. you would know that we are not ungrateful ... he is even lucky any of us even go to see him at all... someday, I'll get into that.. but the only thing I can say is that I was lucky to have the mother I had.. (as short a time as she was around) because we would all be in the loony bin!

Anyways... he just kept getting meaner and more agitated...with a hard ball in my throat and tears welling up in my eyes.. I told him.. Dad, It's time you go home.. he just kept on ranting. Dad, please go home.. He banged the table and said, NO.. you are going to listen to me... So.. I just said ok.. stay there.. and left.. went out in the backyard.. tears flowing down my face.. not knowing where to turn.. I was too embarrassed to go into the street... too shy go to the neighbors.. I just wanted to scream out at the world...TELL HIM TO LEAVE ME ALONE! I went out behind the garage .. and hugged the wall with my back.. until I heard his car leave.
I just didn't know where to go .. had really no one to talk to.. Sylvain left with Simon and were gone to the dump because we took down our hothouse because it was rotten.

So... I came here today.. to open a blog.. that probably no one will ever see.. or know about.. If they do... that's ok too.. because I guess I just don't care... but at least I can release when I need to. Hopefully it will be cathartic.

On a lighter note:
Send a card to Dee last week because she had knee surgery and I thought it would make her feel better.. what do I find in the mailbox this morning? ... the card has come back because I didn't put the right amount of postage on it.. Hey .. when did they change the amount it cost to send a card to the States?... well.. anyways.. Now I have to go to the postoffice and get another 15c stamp because that is what is supposedly missing.

We are on vacations right now.. left town for a few days and took a few pictures.. Sylvain left early this morning to go fishing with Michel. I pretty much have most of the day to myself.. I have a photo session I want to set up this afternoon for the "Bad Habits" H2H and I really should clean up the house.. Don't really feel like it but once I get it done.. I'll be really happy about it. Well , enough for now.